i have seen that. only when it was released though. that was a while back, but i remember it being very good.
Oh, remember that record player? That thing scared the **** out of me everytime. And when he shot his best friend in the face with the shotgun me and my friends all started bursting out laughing and I stood up in the middle of the theatre opening night and said "Called it!" Haha, I'm a terrible person.
I would like to see a remake of Godzilla for some odd reason. Another one yes O.O I just think with how the effects are now they could turn it into a really good movie.
airplane! all the vacations except uncle eddies island adventure, the 2nd western comedy with Billy Crystal, Tommy boy Blades of glory, old school, anchorman 40 year old virgin knocked up Eurotrip Road trip The Garfield movies Christmas story and many more
im fine with the movies the way they are, I can't think of any re-makes that I acually like, they completely raped willy wonka (the first is one of my favs)
They really did ruin that movie. It was a shame. But some movies can be remade and exceed the original in popularity and quality. But then again there are some classic movies that should never be changed. Examples being Willy Wonka, The Warriors, American Beauty and so on.
Zoolander. epic. American History X. many valuable lessons. I Know Who Killed Me. Lindsay Lohan plays a stripper. Saw I & II. i connect with the messages broadcasted.
whatever you do, do NOT go see Max Payne. wait til it comes to dvd.. and even then its hardly worth a rent. seriously, that movie made me want to club baby seals, punch babies in the face, and trip old ladies crossing the street. I got to see it for free, and i STILL felt like I got swindled out of my time and money
dang. I was going to go see that the other day but i saw Laveview Terrace instead. Im really glad i did i actually enjoyed Laveview Terrace. And Fireproof is a good movie thats out. I saw both on the same day and they were really good.
I think Americans should remake the spanish film [REC] frame for frame because i'm too lazy to read subtitles and i can't enjoy anything i have to read and films don't matter unless they are made here. Oh wait, they already did that. Don't go see Quarantine. Go find [REC] instead.
My friend is actually really spanish and they have a copy of that at his house. I was really surprised to see that it had already been made. Whatever you do dont see that chiuawa(however you spell it) movie. My girlfriend liked it but i didnt at all.
300 was a pretty badass movie. Pan's Labyrinth was a pretty good movie, If you can get past the subtitles..
Pans Labyrtinth was a good movie it was just kinda weird O.O And 300 was amazing. I liked the new Halloween that Rob Zombie directed.
Eek. Sci-fi is just straight weird... OMG does anyone watch Comedy Central late at night? They have like the most random movies ever. It's awesome! Wayne's World FTW!!!