Unjust Infractions

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Feuersturm, Oct 20, 2008.

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  1. Feuersturm

    Feuersturm Ancient
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    Perhaps this is just me but it seems that FH is cracking down a little too much on new members who keep getting slammed with infractions for rules that they didn't know existed.

    Here's an example. I write a review based on the pictures of a map. This is 1 day after I posted my first map which most people, who felt they were too important to download my map, reviewed based solely on the pictures. Seeing this, and the lack of repercussions for them, I inferred that reviewing without downloading was an O.K. thing to do. I couldn't have been more wrong. For one comment that was considered a bad review I got an infraction from not one but two moderators. Only after these infractions was I made aware of my most serious of mistakes.

    Then today I was made aware of another lovely rule. Apparently you're not allowed to have two different FH user names for one gamertag. Now I didn't know about this rule; that's why I let my little brother, who isn't on the same level of forging as me, use my gamertag while using his own FH username, as to limit the damage to my budding reputation. And boom! 3 infraction points for some rule that I didn't even know about.

    To add insult to injury, only one of the three moders who gave me infractions responded to my apologies. Am I the only one who thinks that the FH staff needs to lighten up? Or at the very least give people who are new to this site warnings as apposed to infractions?
  2. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Well I assure you that the staff isn't 'Cracking down on the newer members'. They are highly fair. Though the second infraction for the first one was probably a mistake so just PM a mod or admin. And probably the same thing with the third one. Just PM a mod explaining what happened,a nd hopefully they'll believe you.

    Good luck!
  3. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    If you're getting infracted for the same thing more than once, pm a moderator about it.
  4. Feuersturm

    Feuersturm Ancient
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    Sure they don't mean to crack down on newer members but they do. They assume everyone knows these seemingly invisible rules. And who pays the price? New members like me.
  5. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Well you broke one, which means you obviously should be infracted. New members are more likely to not know or follow the rules, but this is not why you were infracted? Did you read the rules? Did you PM a mod asking for reassurance, and help.

    As I said before I assure you they aren't 'racist' against new members.
  6. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    Many new members never take the time to read the stickies. If there is one thing I can ever say to someone if they ever join an online forum in the history of ever, it would be

  7. Mr. Whitestain83

    Senior Member

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    Well im a newer member and i didnt.
    I got two infractions, but i understand why i did.
    Just try to take the time to learn all the rules and such.
  8. Feuersturm

    Feuersturm Ancient
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    I know I sound like a bitchy noob but I joined this site not to read boring and usually long stickies about rules, but to put my maps on here, look at other's maps and tell them what I like/don't like about the maps. Not to mention, not one of the mods told me to read, or directed me to the rules.
  9. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    In grand total, it would take you approximately 10 mins to read the rules for each subforum. Mods don't direct people to stickies because they assume people would read those to know about the rules of the site. I'm not being an ass or attacking you here, but the truth is nobody is going to babysit you here. We will welcome you and let you be part of the community, but if you mess up Mods won't give you a second chance unless you can explain the situation and how it should be revoked.
  10. Feuersturm

    Feuersturm Ancient
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    Ok I understand. I just read the rules and now I know what not to do.
  11. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    That would be your loss. It's your fault, no one else's. You just admitted to it also.

    Senior Member

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    I think this needs to be locked now.

    I'm sorry you got warned but please read the rules before you start to post. And that will usally keep you in good standings with Staff members.
  13. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    The rules are not only posted at the top of each forum, but theres also a link at the top of the page for them. Im sorry you got infracted, but if you choose not to read the rules, you are vulnerable to the mighty hammer of the moderators. The first one you received actually was just a warning, not an infraction. If it had been an infraction, it would have been your 5th point and you would be temporarily banned right now. I reveiwed the infracted posts, and they were spot on for the most part. Just remember to NEVER rate a map you haven't DL'd and at least ran around a bit, and if youre going to make comments about a map based upon pictures, at least make sure its multiple sentences to avoid getting into trouble. I'll reverse the infraction given to you for the duplicate account, but it may get confusing if both you and your brother are posting maps under the same fileshare/gamertag. So try and make it clear in your map posts who made the map and the situation at hand should your brother choose not to get his own XBL account.

    On a side note, threads such as this should be directed to the Customer Service section in the future.
  14. TexturedSun

    TexturedSun Ancient
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    I'd also like to point out that, contrary to what a lot of fools think, Moderators (and other staff who can infract) are NOT able to infract the same post twice. No matter what you think, it is impossible.

    You obviously just posted a couple of very similar comments and got confused when they both came in looking exactly the same.
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