i need some unique ideas for a new bunker map i am currently constructing if i use any of anyones ideas i will post your name in the thread and give you full credit for that idea by bunker based i mean like plenty of cover but not to much alot of highs and lows a main base is what i am currently looking for but any ideas would be greatly appreciated
well what about a base that kind of looks like stairs, for example: the :'s are windows or places to look out of... x: xxxxx: xxxxxxxxx: xxxxxxxxxxxxx: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx is that good? would that work?
ooh! I know something that hasnt been done! Put needlers in it, and give zombies swords, so that they run slow, and make them invulnerable...its totally featureable!!! jk jk jk.... Well....you might want to do some cool structure, or make the humans shoot straight down, instead of up or eye level Oh well, try and evolve from a cool structure, or aesthetics
i think i see what your saying cheif it seems like a nice idea thank you its not for infection more for brs and stuff like slayer 1 flag and things like that