Dont you just hate the 4-9 year olds playing i played a whole party of 5 year olds turns out they were having a birthdat sleep over me and a friend of mine were so annoyed by them. I hate kids like that some i'm fine with now come on why would there parents by a rated M game, I bet their just morons.
I don't understand how 90% of the people who complain about little kids can't use the proper form of "they're." Seriously, some of you people make Halo 3 sound like a game with a perfect community, and the little kids are the only flaws. FYI, I'm 14. Everyone should just worry about themselves. mute kids who annoy you.
well i guess but try playing a game with all 7 year olds it is hard because usually even when you get betrayed by one because u got the sniper or br it just sucks then.
Who gives a **** if little kids play the game. What, if a little boy won't shut up about a birthday party on a Matchmaking playlist is annoying you, that leads straight to you hating him? This is a game that people of all ages play, so if you don't like it, then gtfo. I didn't mean to be so harsh, but just let the kids play and if they're annoying, then leave the game or mute them
The best strategy when playing with annoying kids is MUTE THEN BOOT. Works every time. Of course, their not all bad. Sometimes it's not just the little kids.
yea they are annoying but i just mute them but sometimes when i play against little kids and i beat them they think i am modding/hacking the game
Yeah, that annoys me. I've got an 8 year old friend on my friends list. It's quite annoying playing MM with him due to that he's only a recruit because he sucks at playing, but he loves the forge and is very good at it. It's kinda annoying having a conversation with him though. He only wants to talk about the latest "Simpsons" episode or **** like that. The other day, I was forging with him and I accidentally deleted a floating object: Me: **** it! BobbyDazzler (The 8 year old): What's a ****? Me: wtf? Bobby: uhmmm! you swored! -pause- Bobby: Did you see the Simpsons last night? Me: Bye, Bobby... *leaves forge game* Mind you, he is quite cool. He helped me build my Nightfall V3 map. He built the floating parts and the pyramid of BANG. Thanks for the help Bobby!
Lol, priceless!! I pride myself on being a good host in Custom Games considering I have my own TGIF pretty much every day through H3Customs, and every once and a while there will be a little kid who starts singing, but I'd rather that than a couple of 20 year olds having a discussion about who can say the word "*****" more times in one minute. (Yeah, that's happened.) Little kids aren't all bad.
Yeah and if it REALLY REALLY annoys you to the verge of death, then just quit! You don't have to play with little kids if you don't want to.:haha:And usually people who post threads like this ARE little kids. Also, little kids can be entertaining. Like my friend fruity bubbles ( he just acts like a little kid and people hate him but he's actually 15 and he's not that annoying...)
okay ya. I agree that some little kids are anoyying. But not just the little kids. I hear plenty of probably 16-20 year old guys being total dicks and singing just to annoy people. Now, I am one of those people. I usually just sit there quietly if the people are being super stupid and then finally mute them. Now, I am usually one for the conversations. The civilized talks about how the person is doing halo wise and also something about themself. But not all little kids are annoying. There are some that are actually respectful of fellow halo 3 players and try to talk nicely. No I don't think it is fair to say that ALL kids are annoying. That is being sterotypically. So why dont we just stop starting pointless threads about the same thing and get on with new topics. Just except that some people are annoying. MUTE THEM.
Well, I first started playing halo when i was about 11. Now im fifteen, so i kinda know what it was like being littlish and playing halo. You always wanted to hang around the older kids for acceptance. Acually lots of the "little kids" that i know are kinda kool, my lil brother is really good at halo and CoD4 better than me even. that really ticks me off sometimes when you meet a lil kid thats better than you and then they rub it in ur face just cuz they think the're kool.
well,i agree with black magic for the most part little kids are quite annoying, i played a grifball match and all the little ****er did was betray me time and time again because he wasnt on the team he wanted to be on... and the one time we retaliate he booted us which got me rather angry i know that i wasnt playin M rated games until i was 13 with the original Halo nonetheless, however we cant really do anything about it because the technology to punch kids in the throat over the internet has yet to be achieved PS: anybody who can tell me where thats from gets 5 internets
Why do people care how old their opponents are? Just play the game, seriously. You on the other hand, can't seem to spell and/or use proper grammar. I don't see much difference, you're the one complaining.
There is an ESRB Rating System for a reason. However, parents are the governing force of their children until the age of 18. If they feel that their child is mature enough for the Mature rated game, then so be it. It's within their will to allow it. That said, I just mute the squeekees.
Well their parents decided to buy the game for them and they feel more mature by playing it. Why dis on them, because you probably are a little kid to. Sure they can get annoying but they have the same rights as you they should be able to play. I could find a 8 year old who could out BR you anyday