First off, my GT is MongooseMan355. I messed up my first FH account and had 2 make a second ya...This map is basicly a big curve, kinda shaped like a moon, (why i called it cresent) I made this map entirely by myself, with little testing with brother and friends. i have included interlocking (i know many of yall like dem interlocks) and geo-merging, I am also 99.9% sure you cannot escape out of this map. I reccomend 4 players at max. cuz it is a very small map. This is my first map on forge hub so i hope I do things right and plz enjoy!! Main Overview Another Overview A Final Overview First Curve-Defenders Side A second Curve-Near Attackers side My cool Bridge/Stairs thingy-Attackers side The SniperSpawn The BubbleShield The Mauler-Attackers Side *Please Note There are also Rocket Spawn By Defenders* Wepons On Map: Sniper x1 Rockets x1 (0 clips, 180 respawn) Mauler x1 Human Turret x1 Many BR's (unsure on exact number but maybe 8..) Spikers x4 Needler x 2 BubbleShield x1 120 respawn Flare x1 90 Respawn Mongoose x1 (personal touch : ) SMG x2 GT's Include: Multi-Flag Assault Most FFA Gametypes *Cresent can support 6 players, but 4 is reccomended* Please rate, comment, and enjoy! DOWNLOAD
hmm.. it has a great idea of a map. i love how in one side there is a high level with everything there. And on the other side is a kinda wide open area. What might be a problem is that all the action, is on one side. Maybe put more weapons on the other side to even it out more.
i agree with bob^ one side seems very complex while the other has just a few barriers. idk, it might just be the pics other than that its a great map. clean geomerging. too many BRs can get annoying. aw man! 180 second rocket spawn! now i cant be a rocket *****! :~(
well, im pretty sure i put the same weps on boths sides....although on the fencebox side it may look like the weps are close together. the fencebox side gets rockets and the other gets mauler
First of all, Welcome to ForgeHub! You're first post is up to standards, AWESOME JOB! +Rep just for that! I'm FlipStik, and if you need anything, or have any questions, just ask me. Moving on.. You're map is pretty sick with some awesome skill for a nooby (No offence, of course.). Your interlocking is pretty sweet and all. For a first map, this is definately the way to start. If you're looking for new Forging Techniques and such, I suggest checking out Forging 101. Anyway, great job! 4/5.
nice map for a first map some times a first post is a crate and a fusion coil saying it evolves game play...... (Off topic) what is with the bigger text kinda creeping me out.....
thx everyone, i will definitly ask questions and stuff, but i would like to say i have always enjoyed forgeing and i don't think im that big of a noob but im still somewhat of one. i have visited forge hub many times before, downloading featured and non-featured maps of my liking, but anyway i know how to interlock and mostly geo-merge (although geo-merging gets soooo annoying) i am now glad to be apart of the ForgeHub community and will probably be posting and forging a whole lot more than normal. look forward to (or not) some of my old maps i wanted to post but never did. I hope u all come to know me and enjoy my maps.-MongooseMan355 *EDIT* can someone please play this and tell me what they think about gameplay-thx
"Crescent" is the correct way to spell it, fyi, but for all I know your misspelling was intentional. Cool map.
Really well forged, great idea, looks inescapable. I'd give it a 9.5/10 based on the picks and I'll DL once i clear up some space
you know, your really the fist to notice. My little brother had spelled it wrong on his spelling test, and i thought it was a quincidence that I was going to call my map that. So I spelled it the way he did. The Ironic thing is that I think I have spelling errors in this text, lol. But anyways, thanks, im glad you like it, i might re-do this on sandbox soon.