well i give you a little taste of what i listen to =P http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mPbo5GZEl_w http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VojZuOIlt6A http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJOIiPBMA58
i like old school punk and classic rock mainly. bands like clash, ramones, black flag, pink floyd, the who, and pre-dio sabbath, just to name a few. i don't care much for most modern music, besides a few weird bands that are good.
you basically listen to what my girlfriends dad is into. im more into the kinda stuff that makes you want to fight someone. it gets you pumped =P
I find todays popular bands/artist have nothing to say, nothing to tell. It's all words to me. I've given up on the radio unless it's the local Jazz station. People like Bob Dylan, Towns Van Zandt, Saul Williams, and Tricky all speak to me when I here a song from them. Then on the other side of things I love people that can actually play and interment, bands like Dub Trio, Queens of the Stone Age, Lotus, .Moe, The Black Angels, Black Mountain, The Warlocks all have sounds that I can dig. Music should evoke intense emotions. Not like the **** that is played on the radio now a days. I'm not a old fart my any means, (18) it's just kids these days need to learn to deal with what life throughs at them and take it with a grain of salt.(that is for all the Emo type bands that are popular)[/rant] Now on to the music. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sx4PsxUvMqY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Fi5aP4NF6I http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8upxRhff7cE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XhQdyX2r_gQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQTkOP60bGg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lWIeVTs94rI
well see what most people think of as "emo" some woudl think of as "hardcore" like some of the music i listen to. i find bands that are emo are like Three Days Grace, And Panic At The Disco. Also My Chemical Romance. It all varies on the type of person you are and what your likes and dislikes are.
i listen to just about anything thats not gangster/a rap flobots is pretty much the only rap i'll listen to, but pretty much anything other than that including 1)Muse 2)RHCP 3)Fall Out Boy 4)Panic! 5)Radiohead i also listen to a little system (syndrome) of a down and of course thats reference to the previous conversation between my friend randy and icedcrappucino up there... oh and of course vinny with the wonderful new insult i will now be using also, my good sir, icedfrappucino i think you may want to take irontusk's advice and take that little downsyndrome thing w/ a grain of salt... also, randlescandal is a cockjuggling thundercunt
well everyone has their music types and everyone will disagree no matter what. You shouldnt criticize people because of their music though, thats lame.
My Chemical Romance's "I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love" album was pretty good. Anyway, does anyone listen to George Benson. His "Best of George Benson" album is spot-on!
Im a pretty well rounded when it comes to music. I listen to rock,metal,altern,pop,RnB,and some rap. I hate screamo so much. My favorite songs are: Leave Out All the Rest by Linkin Park A Town Called Hypocrisy by Lost Prophets Right Now (na na na) by Akon Forever by Chris Brown Umbrella by Rhianna Disturbia by Rhianna This is Me by Demi Lovato See You again by Miley Cyrus As you can see im very well rounded.
well i love screamo i know its not appealing to some but i enjoy it. Everyone is entitled to their opinions though.
their a good band. you should look into this band Gatsby's American Dream, or Saves The Day. Their both good choices in music =D
It's more to the kids that think that there life is tough when that live in a nice house, have rich parents, and got a car given to them, Where I live there is a lot of there people. I've worked hard for all the stuff I have, I've had rough patches in my life, but I don't cry.[/off topic] I prefer my music to have a pulse to it. I do listen to some indie Electronica like Justice, Ghostland Observatory, and LCD Soundsystem. Don't get me wrong people I don't think my music is better, to each his own, I just don't understand why some bands are popular when we have people like Saul Williams actually saying something of meaning, and going no where. Some more music http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Puv8nvT89k http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2gQQ5p9J_Jk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G3heOX5WdI8
Your copletely right. Most bands now arent really grateful for what they have and complain a lot and have no meanings. I try to listen to music that has at least some kind of meaning behind it and isnt just a random collection of words, or someone crying.
Oh, orchestra. I love instrumental music. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYJzcUvS_NU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSGVCEOjIlQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OUjG1Y5NvFM&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WMOtz6Kmx1c&feature=user
Instrumental music is nice sometimes, but i prefer music with lyrics and vocals. It can really tell you about how a certain band is if they actually believe the message in their songs.