Hi! I'm Cliff X13 and I've been here for 4 months but only been active for about 2 of those because my computer broke down =.=". I've been learning a lot here at Forgehub like map ideas, techniques and stuff of the sort. I like making maps and playing Halo 3, it's the only game I play =]. So hello everyone and be sure to check out some of my stuff in my sig.
O hai ther. lolz. Well, happy late welcome to forgehub. Hope to see you be active over the next months and hope to see some more maps from you. Welcome to forgehub and make sure you read the rules. ))
.... I read it but didnt understand most if not all of it. But in the end I found out what to and not to do, the hard way lol. Thanks for your welcome.
Welcome mister Cliff guy =D im fairly new myself. so hello and i already have two infractions i learned the hard way too O.O
Hi cliff nice to meet you. Hope to see you posting around here. And YES please read the rules as stated above.
Welcome to forge hub though you've been here for a while now lol Just remember to follow ALL the Forge Hub rules and you'll be popular in no time lol again