I was going to bring all of you fellow forgers one of my greatest creations, a idea so revolutionary it may have brunt forth new forge maps. Sadly, a glitch neither me, Buddha Crane, or thecartographer(the people I am making this with) knew about. This map was going to be the first fully functional map to be played only in forge. It was a puzzle map. We used so many cool monitor glitches and deleting and spawning object tricks. Some of you may have been annoyed at one time or another when starting up a forge match and not being to delete or edit a object due to it being set to not spawn. This is the trick we used to have stuff we did not want people to delete. Halfway through this map for some reason the newer objects just didn't work with this glitch for some reason. Must be a set limit. The object would either not spawn, or still be deletable. So I leave my forging career with a uncompleted map behind me, but do not worry. I have plans for amazing Farcry maps, so don't lose hope in me. I hope some of you care, thankyou for taking the time to read. --Gamer720
Well Yall Suck Don't ya now. Im joking now, thats to bad though I was expecting this amazing map. At least I got to here the idea, and Far Cry 2 FTW!
Sqork informed me of this when he was showing me his puzzle map like this. i believe he said that it only shows 6 untouchable objects(of each different one you have set not to spawn) when you start a new game.
Thank you all for the support. I have a plan for a map, and I feel I owe it to the community to tell you all. My first map was going to be completely enclosed, such as vacancy, only alot bigger. Parts of the floor are going to be see-through, as there will be a river system running underneath the map. Both sides are going to be symmetrical with a huge "greenhouse" type area in the middle that is very open with tons of forested area. I plan to make this, planning I have the right objects to make this. I will keep my second idea secret.
shame..You should really give it another try man dont quit on halo 3 forge just because of stupid forge problems
He is not quitting for stupid forge problems, he is quitting because Far Cry 2 and Fable 2 is coming out. He just wanted to get one last map completed, also see you on the other side gamer.