Hard to say. Rock Band 2 has so many more songs and much more variety to it but the new guitar hero is going to have a song maker although only 84 songs. I dunno.
Well, rock band has a lot of cool songs, and guitar is more realistic (exept for GH world tour) is better. I think GH is better when WT comes out...But for now, I like RB.
Yea when guitar hero WT comes out I think it might be better because of the song maker because people will be making there own songs puting them all over xbox live
I think guitar hero is the better game. Guitar Hero had the original concept and then rockband pretty much stole the idea. And I agree with the post above. Guitar Hero WT is going to be an awesome game. It is going to have a song editor, more songs, better equitment. Also the songs you make, you can put on iTunes for GH. It is going to be awesome.
First of all, It's nothing personal (I just get mad whenever I hear this), Rock Band did not steal from Guitar Hero. Harmonix are the creators of Guitar Hero, Guitar Hero 2, and Guitar Hero 2: Rocks The 80's. Then, Harmonix sold the rights to the GH brand to activision. Then Harmonix went on to create RB. Therefore, Harmonix did not steal the idea, because they came up with it in the first place with Guitar Hero 1. Anyway, I like the Guitar Hero series more. GH3 is my favorite game of all time. It had great songs and was really challenging. GH3 put me to the test and made my hone my skills as a platic guitarist. I love both games, and both are my top 2 favorite games, but GH's challenge really is what made it for me. With GH:WT, it won't have that extreme challenge, so I will just have to see when WT comes out.
Guitar Hero is better. Its the original and it always will be. The gameplay is more challenging then rock band also. I would always give my vote to guitar hero.
GHWT, but if Rock Band had a song creator, i would definantly vote that better songs, better drums, idk RB until WT comes out
After reviewing both games, each has it's own qualities. If you're going to buy one though, consider what instrument you want to play. If it's guitar, play GH. If it's any other instrument, RB. If you want to play all of the instruments at one point, get RB.