TRENCH WARFARE.... I was inspired to make this map form history calss when we were talking about WW1. For all you historians out there, WW1 was a defence war that was mainly faught in trenchs and the only main attack was artillery. I would have put in falling fusion coils but sadly i ran out of money. I started making this map before i downloaded the glitched money canvas. Info... - Almost everything is interlocked - I geomerged in one place - NO COVANANT WEAPONS - I made this map to play as acutual trench warfare with human weapons - Symetrical Weapons - 4 magnums - 4 smgs - 6 battle riffles - 2 assult riffles - 2 turrets ( 150 sec respawn ) - 1 shotgun ( no spair clips ) - 8 frag nades - 1 spike nade ( bonas when you pick up shotgun ) Gametypes - Team Slayer - Capture the Flag - King of the Hill - Territories - Assult - Oddball - Juggernaut - Infection - VIP I made the map for all gametypes because i had the time to do so.... I don't prefer playing the last 3 cause the map wasn't made for it, but If you realy want u can. PLEASE!!!!!! RATE.......COMMENT.......DOWNLOAD map made by AKILLYEZ thanks more pics... overview the trenches one of the bases spawn areas overview of middle middle tunnels were you can travel undergorund free from attack turret covering the map Thank you all for checking out my map DOWNLOAD made by AKILLYEZ
really good map and gameplay might be good, but look kinda messy just because you use alot of different types of scenery merged together. (ex. at one place there is a double wall merged with a double box and a bridge.) The turret seems overpowered without a sniper to even it out.
I downloaded it and i love the trenches the weapons are well placed, and anybody saying needs more interlocking that will get you nowhere. However the barriers around the map are sloppy and i found 2 ways to get out. Lol there is not map i cant get out of pm me if you want to see a video or something so you can fix it for v2 if your making one. I love the map 4/5
what a great map! so intricate, it has so many complicated trenches, this map deffenitely lives up to its name! great work! 6/5!
First off, I must say you have a very original concept here. I like where you were going with the structure of the map. It just doesn't feel as good as it looks. There are plenty of unwanted bumps and gaps. Not to mention that the map is breakable, due to the sloppy walls. All of these are easy fixes. If you could clean it up a little bit- make the walls better, the ground smoother, and possibly flip a few things around to reduce gaps- you could get an extra star. Until then... Final Score: 4/5 Deathtoll and I are the breaking masters.
hm This looks awesome! Omg to much interlockorz! jk But from the pic it is done well; for everything else i dledit , and ill see what else is nice or see if theres any problems here that can be fixed for a V2
I gotta agree with a poster above that the turrets seem OP without a sniper to balance them, but I do like the idea a lot. Seems that with all these underground paths and trenches you could get some tense gameplay. I do see several places just from the screenshot that walls being used as walkways or ramps really should be interlocked but are not. Like the place where you used a bridge to smooth out the gap between a wall ramp rather than interlocking the wall.
cool map idea, i like it, an on a map like that, its bound to look a little messy no matter what you do. i like it, 4/5, but everyon else is right, the turrets look a little overpowering, the falling fusion coil artillary would have been cool, maybe in V2
yes, the turrets are over powering but they are easy to destroy as well they have high respawn and it make the game more fun the ramp infront of them is angled to take nades and bank them at the turret ( it works perfectly ) i wanted to do a lot more to this map but i ran out of money =( srry no sniper.... thx for comments
this map looks great. ill dl cause i like trenches but like others have said the outside wall is slopy. ive made a trench warfare map before but it didnt turn out so well.
I've seen a lot of trench maps, and I have to say, this is one of the best ones I've ever seen. Most of them are messy or repetitive, but this one seems to have a pretty good construction and isn't the same thing all over. Really nice map, but I would have loved to see it with an asymmetrical design. 4/5
thx, i am currently working on an asymmetrical design for the trench map idea. i am also incorperating buildings and trying to make it seem like an urban city. im going to try to finish this map as well as my many other forging ideas. thx for the comment
Looks good, and I'll DL later, also i think it's good that u didn't put falling fusion coils because that can often lag the map.
looks cool, it looks like it would be pretty time-consuming to fuse and align all of those walls together. I'll give you that. But there aren't many really amazing gameplay elements that get a map attention. However, I like how you created all of the trenches to provide cover while still proving inherent danger. Sort of like the trenches in Vietnam or WWII. Overall I'll give you 7.5/10.
tight map! i've always wanted to make a trench map, but your creativity beat me to it! kinda sloppy, but i'm no better. good job!
hey love the map, probly cuz i like history alot. i think that turrets should be set on level ground, rather than above the trenches. otherwise they can fire on anyone in th trenches too. if the turrets were on the ground it would be a better map. plus there should be 1 sniper on each side regardless, plus some flame nades. I'm gonna try and make a trench map when i get the chance, try to outdo you I guess. I think I might try mine on a bigger map, maybe then i can have come tanks and bazookas to kil them. then i could also have wraiths on either side, but make it so they cant move. that would be artillery. that gives me an idea. i could have it a bomb map, and put the place were u set the bomb like next to the wraith, with some fusion coils to destroy it. then it'd be like the main thing is to destroy the enemy artillery. hey ive got a question too. everyone here is only doing foundry maps. can i post a non-foundry mapo here? cause im thinkin standof might be good for my new map.
thats funny you would say that cause i was actualy going to put fusion coils falling from the sky. originaly i started making the map without a bidgit glitched canvas and cost for everything was on a minimum. i was going to put a sniper, falling fusion coils, larger base, mongooses, and the map was going to be much bigger, but i ran out of money.
hey if you want we can team up and make a similar one, but with wraiths as artillery, and put it outside on a huge map
Make the wraiths stationary cuz artillery was mainly stationary then. Also standoff might be good so the wraiths are "in the hills" type of thing or on top of the two bases in the map.