i decided to make a thread to discuss music in general. bands, types of music, favorites anything like that. so anyone wanna get it started?? =D
I listen to Classic Rock and Reggae. My favorite bands have to be: 1. Motley Crue 2. Van Halen 3. Led Zeppelin 4. AC/DC (new album Black Ice today!) 5. Rush 6. Bob Marley & The Wailers
You're aren't discussing anything, you just wrote a list of your favorite bands. Today I feel like real good quality music seems to be fading with the urge to go towards a more hip hop to rap to a repeating background with the same verses. I miss when music used to be the most important, even when there is singing, they still care. There are bands that still follow close to these goals, but they are much more obscure, and difficult to find. One would be Faunts, which I was extremely lucky to find. They do the end credits for Mass Effect. So I liked that one song, and spent about $15 buying all there albums (only two). They have a wonderful ambient sound, very nice listening music. If anyone has the chance, I would think you should listen to their stuff other than M4 Part II (Mass Effect Song). The lead singer has a slight resemblance to Thome Yorke of Radiohead.
Those are all pretty good. Im more into the hardcore type though. like, For Today, The Ghost Inside, Suicide Silence, Elysia, as well as softer music like Dance Gavin Dance, Gatsby's American Dream, and Saves The Day. Taking Back Sunday is also very good. And you have a very good point. I agree with you. Most bands dont have a message liek they used to.
Classical Rock <-To-> Heavy Metal -> Anything higher then Heavy metal Some of the band i listen too o.o 1)All That Remains 2) As the Blood Runs Black 3) Children of Bodom 4) Creed 5) Job for a Cowboy 6) HateBreed Etc Edit: In general Music is fine (from what you listen too ) Wont argue over what bad and **** because that wont solve anything. However, its gone from artist get money to them getting less, from people use limewire, and other such things, to get music that wont pay the artist one cent.
Job For A Cowboy is amazing. So is All that Remains. Ive seen them live a few times. Both i mean. And limewire does in fact hurt the artists income and things like that, butthey do gain a larger fan base too. Increasing the chances of them being at live shows.
And dont some people listen to like the music from other things then just cds ( i have plenty stretching from anime shows to Video games )
thats true :3 i see a lot of skate videos and there are quite a few soundtracks to those that come with the free dvds.
It says discuss favorites, not list. I would argue with you. But I don't like to argue with children with down syndrome.
that is kinda true i did say that. any music in general like your favorite bands or how you feel about music is what this thread was made for. you both have valid points dont turn this into a argument
Personally, i've always been in the favor of hip hop/rap/underground/freestyle It's just a lot more pleasing to listen to. Right now? I'm listening to My Life on the album L.A.X. with the Game ft. Lilwayne. Anyway, I think I hate it most when people talk **** about 50 Cent, 50 Cent has some of the funnest tracks to listen to.
well people really shouldnt talk **** about any music. if people like it and it sells then hey whats the problem? you know?
I don't know, people will say stupid **** like "ITS NOT MUSIC ITS JUST TALKING." Yeah? Well your music is just yelling, that's the dumbest ****.
Umphrey's Mcgee I am a big Jam Band guy. I have an addiction to improvised music. I love knowing that when you go to a show, much of the music you're hearing has never been played before. The band members know each other and music theory well enough to let their guard down and play something completely from the heart. For all things Jam Band visit: http://www.jambase.com The two most influential Jam Bands for me are Phish & Umphrey's McGee I am absolutely bursting at the news that Phish will be getting back together for 3 shows in Virginia early next year. They have also announced a summer tour for next year. For all of you younger FH members: Do not miss Phish. If they are coming to within 100 miles of your home town, get a ticket. You will be in for a great time. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cWT6DB0oAjQ&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lOEup0XAOxw&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SpZpn4V8tOc&feature=related Umphey's Mcgee is a band that started in Chicago playing in small venues and have now worked their way onto the national scene. They have even been called:"Phish's heir to the Jam Band throne." This is my favorite band out there right now: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p3qimCji6k4http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wfwSTBLoVgk
I'm sorry. I forgot to take the ****ing time to sit down and write a ****ing novel about my favorite bands. I'll keep that in mind next time, sport. You fail in the biggest way possible. Why would you state that I have downs, when first of all you don't even know me? That is completely uncalled for. You kind of people make me sick and don't deserve the life that you are living. Grow up.
i think your missing something ? sublime! (might have double posted but its not my fault my internet went out.)
Does anyone listen to video game soundtracks? I listen to the Halo 2 album once in a while and now that I got Line Rider 2 I listen to that too. Their music is quite catchy. Other than that, I also listen to Metal, Rock, Classic Rock, Heavy Metal, Punk, Hip Hop, Techno, etc. Everything BUT country, jazz, and blues. I don't like those at all...