I believe so. I've always loved Team Snipers in Double XP Weekend and when it occasionally appears in Team and Social slayer variants. However, this isn't enough for me. I love Team Snipers and I would play it all the time. I know that the whole Big Team Battle playlists didn't go over too well but I beg Bungie to consider adding Team Snipers as a permanet playlist Ranked or not. Please vote and post a comment if you believe it should be a pe permanet playlist. Click the following link to my Bungie .net post and vote. Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
Well, I think soo. Everyone loves it. Though I'm not the best at it...I would still love for to be permanent. =]
I do not think that Team Snipers should be made into a permanent playlist. Reasons being that whilst it may be popular it is really not needed. Sniper games come up fairly frequently in the normal Slayer playlists to cover it in my opinion. If you added a Team Sniper playlist then you should realistically remove Sniper games from all other Slayer Playlists which would make them more bland. A choice of either Team Slayer or Team BR's. Also if Bungie were to give Team Sniper's its own playlist then i am sure that the community will start shouting for more specific playlists to be made/return. Rocket Race being the obvious example. The removal of that playlist annoyed many people. To give another example if Snipers was added as a playlist i think i would be justified in asking for a Melee playlist using Team Swords, Hammers and other melee varients or even a Grifball playlist. Sniping is fun but it does not in itself deserve a playlist dedicated to it.
lol the voting is closed XD I think it shouldnt be. Way to overplayed/over rated. Too much time would be played on it, and then quickly, the hype would die down. That's all I have to say....
This sums it up completly. If team Snipers is added, it sets a precendant that any other weapon only playlists sould be allowed too. Now, if they had a whole playlist for weapon only games but it's completly random as to which weapon is the sole weapon, that'd be slightly different.
If they put it permanent it would be awesome because they did that to halo 2 as a permanent playlist why not
I would have to say yes and no. I say yes because Team Snipers is incredible and one of my favorite gametypes. I mean is there anyone who doesn't like screaming "BOOM HEADSHOT!!!" or "NO-SCOPE?" It is a blast to play and I always have fun playing it. On the other hand, I would say no because it would take the hype of the playlist away. It would ruin the excitment and desire to play it a ton before it vanishes. Those are my reasons. But in my heart right now, I would definetly say that I would love a snipers playlist.
If they do, they need to make at all SNIPERS, not with a pistol or shotgun, just plain out ****ing snipers like Halo 2's team snipers.
This thread helps me discover who hasn't ever played Halo 2 Matchmaking... For those of yous saying it is unnecessary, wth? Squad battle could be "unnecessary", Team objective could be as well, considering you could just as easily merged it with slayer and make it a Team playlist. Snipers would be another playlist, not an unnecessary one. If you have ever played Halo 2, you would never say that. Yes, Team Slayer has Team Snipers, but those could easily be cut from that playlist. Also, you don't get to play it all the time, only if you are lucky enough it comes up and isn't vetoed. Back in the days of Halo 2, I wouldn't only play Snipers, it would get boring, but not any fast than Team Slayer, or Rumble Pit. Also, it provided GREAT sniper practice, practice you can only get in by playing snipers non stop. Currently, you can't do that short of a custom game, and everyone here should be able to understand that you would never get the same ammount of experiance out of a custom as constant matchmaking. I even remember that if someone had a level 40 up in Team Snipes, everyone either made sure they never got the sniper, or gave it to that person (depending on which team they were on), cause they were good. I remember I had a 37 in Team Snipers, and that was a long hard road to reach that level. No, changes to current playlists quickly void any concerns those against Team Snipes permanet addition to Match making you might have. Most people want it. Most. That is all that matters, the opinions of many against the opinions of few.
It should be a permanent playlist because, just like in Halo 2, it wouldn't be the main game that everyone plays, it would be a secondary game that come after slayer. On double experience weekends, I usually can't play it and I miss it. Then I get to wait a whole month before I play it again. My friend almost never plays, but when he does, all he plays is Team Snipers. IF they did make it a playlist, the weapons should be human sniper and the beam rifle as the secondary like in H2. Magnums ruin the no-scope duals and Bungie should include Beam rifles as starting weapons in matchmaking and customs.
Yes, yes. Team snipers is so much fun just blasting each others heads off. What could be more fun and natural? LOL Anyways, swat made it to permy. So why not snipers?
I dont really know wether or not it should get its own playlist.. It is already played frequently enough in social slayer, and I think I would get sick of it as a playlist. Also as was said above. If snipers gets its own playlist then why can't Rocket Race come back? Bungie would get too many complaints. (I hate them for taking out Rocket Race >:[ All that aside.. Snipers/shotty snipers should be completely removed on Standoff... That map plays horribly with snipers.. The spawns are just not made for it and you can can't really find anywhere outside on the map where you can't be shot from every direction. Sniper games on Standoff end up extremely one sided. One team develops map control and the other spends the entire game being spawn killed -__- Bungie really needs to change it. Maybe create a sniper map variant for it sort of like they did with Boundless and Epilogue and Pit Stop. Otherwise just remove the possibility of snipers on standoff. Apart from that I really love snipers.. Especially on the Pit. Gawd I love that
But if we had snipers as a permanent playlist, we might get fiesta more often in double exp weekend. I wouldn't like that very much....
I dont think it should be permanent just because of the 3 playlists, Team Snipers, Shotty Snipers and Sniper Hill and even then its 2 cause Hill always gets veto-ed. Maybe if they added a larger variety of gametypes then maybe it would be okay, i always had fun with it on the weekends like a friday night when you got back from going out but then even after an hour or so it gets boring. "Snipers is like cookies, good in moderation but after too much you get fat."
1st this should be in the halo discussion if you ask me. 2nd I don't think that is should be made into a permanent playlist because we would get sick of it and it would last for a month maybe two. Since I almost get a sniper game every other game when i play social slayer and that is enought. And i can't agree with Mastar in that Standoff is bad for sniper games. It can be very fun even if you are not in control of the map , also I have gotten an insane no-scope across the map so i really apreciate sniper games on Standoff but as you say Pit stop can be fun as well.
I think that they shoudl give you the choice of narrowing down the search engine, so that way you wouldnt have to have permanent playlist either way. But then again the random selections do make it a little more interesting. I think it should be made a playlist though. There are many people that enjoy sniper games enough to want to play them constantly.
It is an official playlist now by the way... Check the latest Bungie update. I am glad they finally decided to do it.