U Store It Created by Archiver13 Supported Gametypes: Supports all gametype Map Description This is my little jewel right now. This map was an inspiration of a lot of things mainly shows and docks and stuff. Anywho I don’t know how to describe this one other than on one side there is the parking lot and on the other side is the self storage area. It is basically a team map and also works as a slayer map . im gonna give the description short and simple because 80 percent of u don’t read! _________________________________________________ An overall view of the map An inner look of the area Top view Defenders start here Attackers start here Now for some fun _________________________________________________ Download U store it
....................... What the bloody hell is this? At least it isn't haphazardly thrown about, I'll give it that. But what the hell? What is this? A warehouse? Not even! It's a ton of vehicles in front of many boxes arranged in a vaguely rectangular fashion. You don't seem to be able to take a hint, so I'll make it simple. STOP POSTING MAPS! You need to give people time to reflect upon your maps so that you can make your next one better. You need to practice forging more, and to not just publish everything you make. You need to look around the site, and see the caliber of the forgers around here. Once you do those, then post another map. On that you put some thought into. One with some originality and innovation.
sigh ur just naturally an ahole arent you . incase u havent noticed most maps here by all means are boxes put toghether . now you give little to no constructive feedback other than just being harsh so unless u want me to take ur so called advice to mind then i suggest u stop being an ass
ok, it may not be a very good map, but whatever, thats ok. that other person freaked out way too much.
I agree with Lightening. This map is really just some ascetic vehicles in front of a haphazardly thrown together mosh of boxes. It may or may not be, but you didn't give a very good description (For the record, saying "im not postign a discription cus you guise wun reed it lol" does not excuse not have a detailed description. Maybe if you update the post with some actual info, I'll take a look at this.
i agree with this guy (and lightning). you posted 4 maps today!!! im not saying stop forging, but seriously, take it easy. and the map isnt that great. it really is just a big bunch of explosives infront of a basic box shaped base. the base isnt special either, theres nothing original or uniqe about it. merging the side of some stairs with the edge of a box isnt impressive. btw, ppl on FH are cruel some times because they compare your maps to the greatest maps. anyway! give ppl time to look at your maps and comment, then improve on the map. i wouldnt dl this map. (1/5) the lightning guy isnt an ahole. Hes bieng brutally honest and sometimes people need that. LIKE NOW
Wow, he must be related to Bnasty. Lighting, I really wish I could negative rep you right now so I can tell you how much of an idiot you are. First of all, take it easy. Its Halo 3. Second of all, if your going to bash someones map to a bloody pulp at least tell the person how the can fix it. You might as well say "bump" which would probably be more related to the map than what you said As for the map, I must say that it looks like it has very good potential. I would take out the vehicles to make it more balanced and add effective weapon and starting spawns. More interlocking would also be nice. I hope you take this into consideration and make a v2. It could be really good. (That, "o Lightning o" is a post)
wat a douchebag!!! don't listen to him...i think this map is the most EPIC map in the entire halo universe and it should definitely be featured on forgehub! you have amazing talent for building maps...keep up the GREAT WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =] =] =] =] =]
Ok guys, stay on topic. We all started somewhere and we all evolved with the learning of new techniques and improvement in designs. Give him a break and get back on topic by providing him with some help in making his maps better. You know, like pointing him towards a Forging 101 or offering constructive criticism rather than just flaming him with "dood it's jus a buncha boxes". This is the warning, next person to flame him will be infracted. This is pointed mainly at Lightning and anyone else who may do the same as him.
ok this map could definetly use some touch up also known as a whole new map (sorry) it just needs to get a serious make-over. u could go to forging 101 and get some tips there or u could join forces with another map maker. with a bit more practice though u could end up making an epic map much better than this one. and next time dont say u didnt put a description in cause non of us would read it when the real reason is u couldnt be bothered or didnt think of one. its good to tell the truth : ]
Amen. He's right. This map was quickly thrown together, and simply does not belong in a subforum where maps should have a Competitive nature. It's maps like these that clog up the Competitive Map Forums. I will provide a more thorough map post when I get home. I promise.
LOL!! That first guy freaked out. That was so funny!! This map actually looks pretty good. I would like to know if you can go through the whole entire building or just in certain parts. It looks pretty good. 4/5 Just tone down the fusion coils a bit.
The map looks...okay. Okay, as far as forging goes, it's absolutely terrible, but it looks like fun to play on. I would DL it, but my 'box just died. Oh, and either take out the fusion coils, or post this in the casual section.
As promised, here is my more formal critique. Minus Spawns and Weapon placement, this map is representative of about an hour's work. From what I can see, you did interlock. Once. And even so, it was such a minuscule, easy interlock that it shouldn't be mentioned. The whole thing is basically a bunch of boxes jumbled to together to at least allow for moderately enough movement. And then a "parking lot" that takes up about half of the map, which is just a little scapegoat for you not having enough items. But really, its time to focus on reasons why this is not, and should not be in the Competitive Map Forum. The defenders spawn right next to two firebombs, and some loosely placed SMGs. I don't know what the exact weapons are, but I can see that the defenders also get a Plasma Cannon, and obviously overpower the attackers. Now the attackers get vehicles. Which at first sounds great, but then you realize, there's no place for them to go! You obviously showed that it take only one Fusion Coil explosion to set off a chain reaction to obliterate the Parking lot/Attackers. So now whats the point of vehicles? The map is unbalanced, which is exactly the one thing that Competitive Maps have in common. And what I find funny is that in your little "Action Pics" section, you are the only one playing. By that you tell tell a few things... For one thing, it means that nobody wanted to play on that map with you. Second, It never got tested. Third, Any bugs in the flow or gameplay that exist could not be fixed. What is flow, you may ask? When we are talking Halo 3 Gameplay, flow is a few things. For one, flow is the physical smoothness of the map, making sure that there are no, or very little bumps and bounces while walking around, or just simply how the map plays out. Flow is also that every structure needs to mesh with another, not separating areas, but rather treating everything as one big map. You honestly cannot begin to tell me these bridges provide you with a smooth travel experience. Now I want you to take what I said to heart, and make a map that what I just said could not be argued against you. And I don't mean for just you, but everyone that makes maps here, should really think about what they are doing and how they place not only their objects in the maps, but what subforum they place their maps in.
maybe you read it but a whole bunch of people here dont read to those who arent being a bunch of aholes thank you for the constructive criticism instead of the oh i agree with lightshit
How was the post you quoted constructive criticism? He just gave you some bullshit to patronize you. What I said was constructive criticism.
stp tlkng liek ths no one really cares about your terrible maps. You just don't understand what "competitive" maps are, do you? They're not just boxes pointlessly put in (quote) rectangular shapes, and millions of vehicles with thousands of explosions! I do give you one thing though: this should be on Bungie Favorites (that wasn't a compliment).