Well, there was a ton of insanity, so I'm having to post it in parts. This will be the first of three, updating periodically thoughout the day as I get them onto the computer. Onto Part one! Game One-Six: Tremors Vorpal learns that he can't outrun fate... Or Choppers. Cartoon-style, head whacking antics. Mostly. Neeenja. "Nooooo! Mr. Brownstain83!" So close... Follow the ReCoNz. "Stop picking on me!" Yay for teamwork. Insane attempts to "Jump for it!". Game Seven: Cat & Mouse "Let me on!" Striving for variety, Insane does a wheelie instead. Woah... This is not going to end well. Game Eight-Nine: Peasant Hunt "Why do I always die first?!" - Insane This is Vorpal. He likes to hide on top of pallets. So one round, people decide to follow his example. HaloStriker, as always, gets in position for an easy assassination. But then Pig gets owned through the wall... The minotaur mows Mercinator down as he tries to run, and Striker as he valiantly tries to rake him down... And leaves Vorpal surrounded by the corpses of the fallen, and the remains of his beloved pallet.
LOL. All of those are great, I loved when all that carnage happened on Peasant Hunt. BTW: Mods, double post+ will be allowed so he can get all the pics in, k? No infract plox, I told him he could.
Game Ten: Cave Freaks Round Over. Not the face! Roche wrecks with the turret. Yay, more teamwork! "What the hell, Kami?!" Continued. "I've had enough with all these [censored] freaks in this [censored] cave!" Insane can watch his own back. Game Eleven: Duck Hunt Headshot. "What? I got magically teleported!" EDIT: "Ohai!" "Oha...WHAT THE F***?!" Game Twelve-Thirteen: NO U! No You, the Movie. Coming soon to a theater near you. "Gauss Hogs?" "The Ghost doesn't move." Hey, we shot crap out of the air last game. Revel in it's glory. "I beat him down from the passenger seat!!" CTF became mediocre once we discovered that no one had bothered to block off the back hallway.
Aww, wish you wouldve shown some closer ups on the NO U map itself. We had some epic structures/random stuff there D: Also best quote that you missed (because you were probably out of proximity): Me (after breaking out and staring at the guess turreter): "Ohai!" Him: "Oha...WHAT THE F***?!"
I didn't make the map, so it doesn't seem right that I should share in the credit for it's breathtaking magnificence... Game Fourteen: Picture Some not pictured. Game Fifteen: Tremor n' Mouse New challenger unlocked. Vorpal keeps his head... this time. "Oh crap, oh crap, go!" Triple splatter. Meet TransactionZero. He's an evil genius. He came up with an ambitious sceme: A fort of epic proportions built out of Mongooses, in which we could withstand the Tremor. At first, things were looking good... But it started to wear away at our defenses. And it broke through the wall... Even the best laid plans can go awry. Game Sixteen: Pinball We try to keep the score multiplier. The Zombie, released by our horrible Pinball skills, comes to kill us. For some reason, one of us would always spawn on the other side of the map... We found this in our travels. "How the?!" This one doesn't have a story, I just thought it looked cool. Game Seventeen: The See-Saws Crap... "AHHHHHHHHHHHH-" "Fight the zombies! You can do it!" "Jump in the Man Cannon!"
Very awesome recap. I had a load of fun! Cat 'n' Mouse was epic. (And techincally it was me doing the wheelie, Insane was just on the back atm). xD
aw why is it that the one time i miss TGIF you guys have the most fun. lol great job guys and ill see you next TGIF
okay then umm i will just to avoid you raping me in my sleep but yeah good recap Rampant, ex-one-post-wonder
I realize something looking over this pictures: Our mongoose fort needs more interlocking, 5/5, kthxbi
Oh yeah, I'm in the bottom-right of the group picture with my epic katana, sniper rifle, and beam rifle! =D