i can geomerge a object in the ground and geomerge a object to a wall but i cant for the life of me get an object to geomerge a wall and the ground at the same time and do it accuretly any helpful advice would be appriciated. aslo tips about geomerging angles. thanks much appricated. peace be with you.
Well, trying to geo-merge an object into the wall and the ground at the same time is a forge nightmare. If you're doing a doublebox, what I usually do is start by pushing the box in the wall first. Then, after switching up the braces(walls, portals, whatever you use), you can push it in the ground. Due to the inconsistencies of geo-merging, there is no magic solution to getting an object perfectly placed everytime. If you're patient enough, just keep grabbing the box until it is the way you want it. Also, when you set up the doors, tap A quickly once you've grabbed it and don't hold on to it. I've found that it goes in without as much shaking.
thanks bro cause i been sitting here trying to line up these two boxes for hours. and i got to say it really getting under myskin lol i didnt even think of that oh well guess it goes to show how dumb i am.
i could help with any geomerging needed. im not very good at describing it but if you just send me Resix the one a friend request ill help with it
How about watching B100d F1r3s tutorials? He's a premium so he knows what he's talking about. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RSAEpNYImbQ&feature=PlayList&p=3C90E843F896453C&index=0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0lJPIzytPPg&feature=PlayList&p=3C90E843F896453C&index=1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQUpDCnltS4&feature=PlayList&p=3C90E843F896453C&index=2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnIWEhwNdCk&feature=PlayList&p=3C90E843F896453C&index=3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pA02WV4SDiM&feature=PlayList&p=3C90E843F896453C&index=4 Hope these help!
I find that it's nice to save between/before each geomerge or geomerge step (I use the door method, so sometimes I have to do it multiple times) I usually set everything up, save it, do my first geomerge, and then save as a new map, and repeat as needed.