THERE IS ENOUGH GROUND COVER! This is my newest map. an asymmetrical foundry map that is like no other. ive looked at other asymms and i havent really seen anything like this. the map has 2 main courtyards with a plethera of rooms around the outside. i have designed it to have several different entrances and exits into each room. there are two power weapons on the map, sniper and camo, and they are placed on opposite corners. the map takes up most of the main part of foundry and a half of one of the wings. there is one high tower with two different heights. this tower has 6 different ways of getting there. the tower looks into both courtyards making it the main power position of the map. I started forging this map when xbox live went down for 24 hours in september, and have been steadily forging it since. if i had to estimate i wound say ive spent 50-80 hours forging this. weapons - 4 br - 2 carb - 1 plasma pistol - 1 mauler - 1 sinper - 1 camo - 4 frags - 4 plasmas pictures vendetta
This looks like a very good map. You have some really mature interlocking and merging in it, which makes it look really classy. I also see you have King of the hill set up on it, which is usually fun if it's good. I'll DL and check it out, and I have pretty high expectations for this! Also, you might want to include a little longer description and just a few more pictures
Wow its a good map but i cant really get a good view of the map,,, more pics maybe? and ur link should go to your map not your fileshare. I do like the map tho. its unique. i give it a 5/5 and a dl
This is a very cool map. I love all of the platforms you can go on. Not to mention the little buildings. It gives me kind of a feel like high grounds base. Although, you should probably flip that one bridge so it doesn't stick out so much, but otherwise great. Gameplay shots pl0x?
The map looks pretty nice but I think it's against the rules to link to your fileshare. All Download links should directly to the map's (or gametype's) thread
I just tried out this map, and i ****ing love it. It has a great layout, and AWSOME interlox. Not giving this map a 5/5 would make me die inside. The only problem is that it doesn't have that many weapons, which sometimes isn't cool. Great job!
This map has such a nice layout. Everything is accessible, and smooth. The only problem I have with this map is that I don't think there's enough cover on the ground floor. Just add a few cover objects, because as you have it it's almost perfect. 5/5
pretty guud map interlocks are sweet, great rampy feeling to the map only prob i can see from the minimal pics, and having not yet played it, would to flip that bridge and take some more pics
i just fixed the link so it isnt to my file share. there IS enough cover. i dont want to sound arrogant, but i know what i'm talking about.
Get used to FH saying "needz moar covR" it's the new needs more interlockz. I did a forgethrough and love it. Map looks awesome so far. A few of the weapons and the camo seem a bit oddly thrown down, but all in all looks solid. The map is breakable though, in two spots. Nothing a few of those window pannels can't fix though, and I seriously doubt anyone could really have the time to do it in gameplay. But you might want to stick a WP on the little ledge that people climb on up by the ceiling. Stick it close to your barrier but not too close. I'll update when I have played some games.
of the 6 maps ive posted i think there have been at least 2 peple on each thread saying there needs to be more cover. its kind of annoying
Looks good. 4/5. I'm having a little trouble picturing the overall layout from looking at the picts, but it looks like a good map.
You've got some very pretty interlocking in places, for sure. And I like about half the map from the pictures...but other parts seem like arbitrary sections that were placed in to take up space. The long double ramps with the open space underneath, for instance, look like filler. I obviously can't judge without playing but, cosmetically, it suffers a bit. Oh, and your lack of grammar made my eyes bleed. =(
This is a sweet map Wheezy, and really deserves more attention. I've only been able to do a preliminary forgethrough and run around on the map for a few minutes, but I really like the layout. Seems pretty easy to get your bearings as all of the rooms seem to have their own recognizable structure. And you get major credit for getting this completed within budget. I'd love to get some games on it with you (warning: I suck) sometime soon.
very nice map. I like the interlocking a lot it shows what a good forger u really are. Overall u have a 4.5/5 from me great job!!