BARRIER Barrier is a mostly based ctf map designed to play with any ctf variation. I finished it in about 2 hours and played for several more. I hope you enjoy. mauler x 1 plasma pistol x 2 spike grenade x 4 bubble shield x 2 power drain x 1 smg x 2 battle rifle x 4 assault rifle x 4 frag grenade x 4 so heres blue base... where blue spawns... ya... so this is red base. its the same except backwards... the wall... or barrier due to previous map names. its sorta the main part of the map the mauler spawns in the middle of the wall. errrr... barrier this is the power drain spawn and it also plays as a hallway. the bases are nothing special each is a hallway holding the flag. and the other base is the same just backwards. download a little sneak peak at barrier v2 ... of course its not finished...
This map look good but she look a litlle bit too small...and the weapon dont look awersome. I will try it and I come back later. PS : First comment ^^
Even though im not a big capture the flag player i will download this map just because it has a good layout and i loooove awesome maps. p.s good mauler placement..... and i will get back to you after i download this.
It looks pretty well made, but If you make a V2, I suggest opening the back hall, allowing for a second way to the enemy base, because only having one way to the other base will allow in multiple stalemates (Tie Games) But don't make it too easy, put maybe one fusion coil on each side of the middle door in the back halls, or maybe two propane tanks on each side. Anyway this map is pretty cool, 3/5. By the way, don't rate your own map with a 5/5 and the "I just **** a brick, wow... amazing" poll vote, it's not cool, and nobody will think that someone else voted that.
seems kinda simple, but everything seems pretty clean. The mauler spawn kids sticks out to me; it looks real nice. You should consider a v2 with a few more weapons and design twists. I'll dl this one anyways, it looks like I could get a few good CTF games out of it. 3.5/5 keep it up!
i just **** a brick that map is so amazing...omg, seriously, you should be on bungie favorties cuz this is the freakin best map i have ever seen in my entire joke, u are amazing...keep it up 10/5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =]
Seems to... simplistic for my tastes. But very clean... too clean. (just kidding) Interlocking seems ok, but weapons could use some improvement. 1 Question: ARE THERE ANY "BARRIERS" ON THIS MAP??? Short or tall, any at all?
Seems very plain, very unoriginal, very boring. It would maybe be fun for the first couple minutes, but then after awhile it would be just, meh. What's worse is that those two sides cannot possibly be symmetrical, thanks to Bungie making Foundry and not making it symmetrical. (Really! Look at those two sides in a canvas, one is bigger than the other!) At the very least you could have added some scenery and aesthetics to make it look a little less boring. No DL from me. Also, don't advertise in your posts. If you want, put it in your sig.
You could possibly open this up greatly with two additional hallway options: Teleporter hallways. one will be shorter than the other, and either team could use it (two ways) while the other longer way is safer, but only one way, and doesn't bring you all the way back home.
I think its a little too small, you should have set the barrier back a bit more. It really does seem like an awesome neck to neck map though, which would make for some awesome CTF and Assault games. it's empty, adding more items could have increased the game play. basically there is too little places to hide. like along the wall? adding more doors for better cover would be cool. and along the floor of both bases. your map was simple yet satisfying. :]
Er...bland. What does this map bring to the playing field that a thousand others lack? The fact that a mere two hours went into it is revealed by its lack of character. You've got a lot of potential, as the cleanliness, interlocking, and parts of the geometry are all very well done. But you've got to reach further down to come up with something truly original that won't get washed away in flood of near-identical maps.
This isnt a bad map, just its getting old on foundry, i suggest trying out your forging on a different map. But this map seems to be good and i see some interlocking, which is very clean from what i can see. CTF is a good gametype for this map too soo...3/5