Re: Quarry One of my favs so far. It's very immersive and creative. I tuned out Foundry walking around. It's also very clean and has form and variety. Overall great job! Haven't played it yet but, a few things, to consider: - It looks like 2 players could completely lockdown the rocks area. It also looks possible to force spawn the other team in the long hallway that wraps around rocks. - rocks are on a 30 second spawn - I'd like to see you increase the spawn time - several objects that don't spawn on start (noticed at least 3 near rocks) - you can nade jump out of the map from any of the highground - I like the weapon variety, but there's an awful lot of gear here
Re: Quarry rocks? also the NEW version is up features include less ammo in rockets all places where you can grenade jump out have been covered all boxes spawn at the start one smg and one plasma rifle have been removed one battle rifle has been removed two plasmas were removed the set piece is now blocked off
Re: Quarry you should put a secret sender node behind the forklift that goes to a sword or something sinse it's hard to get to... That would probably make a game one-sided, but it'd be cool...... IMA DL THIS MAP OMG AWZUM!!!
Re: Quarry I took a quick look at this map and everything seems solid. The map is small, which is good for me since I can never seem to get a large group of players in any map. I like the weapon layout, just the right amount of grenades and power weapons on the map for its size. I have not had a chance to play a game on it yet, but from the walk around it looks like it will play great. Also I am going to say nice job on the aesthetics of the map. I noticed a door that was flat against a box, which gave a great effect. The area with forklift also gave the map some nice ambiance. Nice job on the map!
Re: Quarry Thanks everybody for the positive feedback if you notice any bugs at ALL in playing, please report it to me also, if somebody gets a chance, could they maybe take one or more screenshots of them and their friends playing? It would be really awesome if we could get some good action shots of people playing on the map
Re: Quarry Thanks ALSO for anybody interested, I am working on a new map (in foundry) that involves a network of tunnels below an open map with several buildings. Its mainly for team slayer and objective gametypes (primarily Territories) and uses the interlocking glitch almost everywhere for a nice, clean feel, with naturally shaped hills and rock out-croppings
Re: Quarry Status on new map: halfway finished, sewers section is complete, all that remains are the buildings up top
Re: Quarry Looks pretty sweet man. It was kinda funny, when I saw this map on the forum page the map right under this was titled "The Quarry" How random is that? ANYWAY...good map
Re: Quarry wow, i just posted a map yesterday called "the quarry" ok, didnt even know you made this map. haha Ill DL to check the similarities/ differences. it'd be a cool comparison! Skride,
Re: Quarry yeah i checked out your map, and while there are no similarities other than the name, yours is a great looking map good work
Re: Quarry thanks man, ill download halo next time i get my halo disc back. (its qued) mines more contained in a little area, is yours like the entire foundry or more along the lines of half of foundry? Yours looks really good too from the screens. what other projects have you worked on?
Re: Quarry Dope map. Im impressed.. you used some dope interlocking at different heights to create lots of different angles and a unique map floor unlike the flat foundry. I loved the underground tunnel! I only wish one of the entrances was more accessible to the other base...seemed kinda like both entrances were closer to the other. My only major suggestion is re-think the weapon placement of the sniper rifles. While one side's sniper rifle is exposed, you have the other side's tucked away nicely in a separate room...and theres two of them. seemed a unbalanced for my tastes. but overall great f-ing job, this maps def a keeper homie MY APOLOGIES, i was meaning to post in the thread for The Quarry., not Quarry. sorry bro...mod can delete the comment if they would like. but i have checked your map out before, and i think you did an awesome job, its pretty tight not gonna lie...keep it up