I searched around a bit but I didn't find any topics that already exist here; if there already is one, please moderate this topic as needed. Thanks! Ok, so the big question of the topic is, "Which weapons/vehicles/equipment set is overall better: UNSC (Human), or Covenant?". Since they are pretty balanced, I assume it will be a close pool. Covenant weapons don't need to reload, but they overheat. Human weapons (excluding heavy weapons) usually don't deal an instant kill, but they are much easier to come by. Covenant weapons may not need to reload, but they use batteries; when your battery is deleted your weapon can no longer operate). Brute weapons may not be perfect in design, but most of them are very 'brutal' at dealing damage. Human vehicles may not provide weapon systems to the driver on every vehicle, but they are more maneuverable and can carry extra passengers. So, what is your view on which armory is best? Is it the familiar technology of the UNSC, the shiny design and plasma battery system of Covenant weapons, or the crude design yet forceful Brute weapons you favor? Vote in the poll above, and if you would, reply with the reason why you chose that specific group. Discuss!
I just prefer the UNSC set. Covenant may have the technological advantage, but I guess killing with bullets seems more natural.
I think it is better to be convenent because you are alot harder to sghoot in the back oof the head. But you are easyer to shoot in the back of the head if you are Human.
/facepalm I'm seriously, read the first post at least, don't just assume. It's about weapons and vehicles, not the character models. On topic, the brute sandbox is fail. I like spikers, and some of the other stuff muight be useful once and a while, but overall it is suckage. The covy weapons work better at closer quarters than the human "equivalents," at least in my opinion. And nobody can argue with the power of needlers and plasma pistols, against infantry and vehicles respectively. But the Splasor seals it for me with the humans. Easily the best weapon in the game, it can take out anything with LOS and 3 seconds to charge. 5 shot is a little fail though. The human vehicles are also easily superior, with the exception of the mongoose. Hornet > Banshee. Scorpion > Wraith. Warthog > Ghost. Mongoose = fail.
Yea, I agree with karpura... although the convient have many good weapons, the humans have much more powerful ones. but I do love the beam rifle!
Brutes FTW. I am a brutal player... lolz. But I like how powerful the weapons feel, yet still small. However, ghosts> choppers...
Well if you're talking about which is better, it's the human weapons for sure. As for picking favorites, the covenant have some pretty cool stuff. plasma grenades are the greatest invention ever, something gets me about the blue plasma-ey fuzz and that little beep you hear before you die. And sticking with those little blue guys is the most satisfying thing ever. the humans never gave me that satisfaction with a weapon... as for brute weapons. lame. ftf. nobody cares. except for mooregames.
weapons: the humans are vastly superior with thier snipers, rockets, Spartan lasers, and rifles.Note: covenant is superior in close quarters due to thier grenades and swords. Equipment: I would have to say human because of the power drainer, regenerator, and bubble shield (technicaly stolen by the brutes) Vehicles:humans because of the hornet>banshee, Scorpion>wraith, warthog>spectre. I guess ghost beats mongoose. Overview: The humans technology will beat aliens when it comes to fights on the ground. But when the covenant can just glass everything with superior ship technology it doesn't matter much.
I think all the human weapons look cooler than the covenant ones. I also think that I'm better with the human guns. And, they're easier to hold. ZING!
Lolz... looks like I'm a minority. I love plasma's. But, human weapons are the most effective. I like the brutes the best because the weapons are kinda crude and beastly, which is cool. I love spikers and spike grenades. You are shooting freaking nails at people!
Human and Covenant is ok, but the Brute technology rocks. They brought us the Gravity Hammer, Spiker, Brute Shot, and the Spike Grenade (Only to name a few). I just love the Brute Shot; it is like a grenade launcher with a ginormous pizza-cutter on the bottom of it. Very effective for turning the Flood into Kibbles and Bits (Inside joke)!
"Pizza Cutter at the bottom": I see someone watched the Halo 3 Covenant Weapon overview I remember it because of the 'spikers are dirty diapers' joke.