Tremors 'N' Mouse "So many Mice so little time" Cat 'N' Mouse "I'm so Vicious, faking out cats, Mmmm Delicious." Distortion v1.3 "Failed attempt at group picture." Jenga Tower X "Before" "After" "Strategic attack from the Zombies" The Cellars "Unstoppable Force" "Immovable Object" Sapphire "Default Sticky explosion on Sapphire" Coin Slot on Pennyless "Whats better then 4 people in a bubbleshield?" "FIVE!!" Traction "Handicapkiller Dancing by Request" Where is Vice? Solaris "+rep to the first person who can find me" Screenshot of the Night The Tunnel "Can you count how many warthogs are on the screen?" PLAY OF THE NIGHT Peasant Hunt on Forgotten Crypt The Master Trap "The Set Up" "The Decoy" "The Decoy's Death" "The Assassination" But Where Was Vice?? "Sorry Creeping Death" See you guys next time.
Finally this was a great TGIF (plus my first!) I hope they are all this fun and I am looking forward to the next one! Oh is this right?
vice, you are invisible in the top right corner on thebox, where the territory marker is broken. you hid there alot when we played this
I cant find myself in any of these??? actually no take that back im one of the ones in the bubbleshield... that was hard to stay balenced especially when it went away
OMG Serioulsy you guys are crazzzyyy. I am not going to even ask how you got 5 people in that bubble shield. They zombies must have been REALLY pissed. I really wish I could have been there. But yeah I missed all the best games, Tremors, Cat n mouse. UGhh
Clearly you first time in my party. I boot people like a breathe the air, it comes very naturally it just to show you whatever you were doing was wrong and to join back before someone takes your spot. in your case i just think i had a miss click. I think was trying to boot the person who was about to beat me but i missed.
this was my first TGIF.while everything was explodeing in the pic of the night, I was driveing through it like an action movie!
Awwww Vicious you didn't take a screenshot of floppy wearing an elite as a coat that was a halarious moment of Peasent Hunt. Ah good times, gooood times..........I wish I saved that video then I could take the screen. Anyway great TGIF and finally a party with not as many screaming kids. You didn't say "show some f****** class". Unless you did while I wasn't there.
i finally got in a tgif even though it was only for a minute it was epic your last game of the night vicious
Having 5 people in a bubble shield is completely amazing!! You would not believe the stuff that I have seen people do while playing pennyless. Stuff that neither of us had thought anybody would do while building the map. One time somebody threw a deploy able cover on top of the teleporters, stood on it, then threw a bubble shield. I think Vorpal Saint even managed to get a bubble shield into the zombie cage!!! WTF?!?! Good times.....