Battle Mound

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by LIGHTSOUT225, Feb 22, 2008.

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    Senior Member

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    Map Name: BATTLE MOUND
    Major Influences: Beaver Creek, Warlock
    # Players: 2-6
    Suggested gametypes: One Flag, Multi Flag
    Download Link:

    Description: Symmetrical arena-type map inspired from past Halo 2 maps Beaver Creek, Foundation, and Warlock. I built this map with CTF in mind first, and it supports both Multi and One Flag variants. Works well with Team Slayer also (either Head-to-Head, Doubles, or 3v3).
    The layout is basic, and takes just a minute or two to get your bearings. The match starts off with a rush to the center of the map for the Rocket Launcher, blood will be shed.

    Each side has 2 rifles (1 BR, 1 Carbine), a Mauler, a Needler, and 2 SMG’s. 1 incendiary grenade, 2 Plasmas, and 2 Spike grenades per side also. A Rocket Launcher and 4 frag grenades line the center.

    The teleporters shown in the pics are connected to each other, giving the map a Warlock-type flow.
    Equipment can be found near the back of each of the 4 staircases lining the corners of the bases. One flare and one Radar Jammer for each side.

    The layout is slightly different for One Flag. The dumpster in front of the Defender’s base is moved to the same spot in the back of the base, and the fence wall on the 2nd level of the Defender’s base is moved forward to the edge. This makes it a bit more difficult for the attacking team, but a grenade jump is possible if your sneaky enough. Also, in one flag, I took out the grav lift and the Rocket Launcher…it just didn’t feel right in One Flag.

    Suggestions for both CTF variants: reduce the Flag Carrier speed so it makes it more difficult to score, since its not a very long way to travel.


    Front of Red Base

    Column Walk along the side

    The Mauler Shack

    The back of a base

    Higher view of the back of a base

    Overlooking the mound, a 2-way teleporter, and a column catwalk

    The opposite column catwalk

    This is one of my more basic maps, and I cant wait to share some more innovative ones with everyone in the very near future. Many more maps to come in the next few days, actually. They are all done basically, just finishing up the spawn points/areas on most of them and I should have about 9 or so more maps ready to publish (yeh I said it…9).
    #1 LIGHTSOUT225, Feb 22, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2008
    Titmar likes this.
  2. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    Ooh, this looks pretty cool. Remind me to check this out later. I got to get to bed.
  3. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Nice. Finally, a good competitive CTF map.

    Senior Member

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    thanks. i have several CTF specific maps ready to be rolled out very soon. This is just a taste
  5. gorebound

    gorebound Ancient
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    Looks good Sout :). I'll definitely check it out, and I'll also try to get back to you with a review on layout / spawns etc.

    Peace // gorebound
  6. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    I'm liking what I'm seeing, especially your Column Walk. I'll get back to you after I do a forgethrough run...
  7. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    This map will probably be pretty popular, if i was you i would go back to it and start interlocking the objects, to make it even better.

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    thanks i appreciate the positive feedback guys! and i have used interlocking, when necessary.

    IE: the double boxes that make up the immediate frame of the front of the bases. The bridges forming the mound, and the doors placed underneath the ends of the mound to close off the inside. A box or two along with a wall or two along the outer shell of the map just to make it all fit a bit better. Also the fence walls that amke up the roofs of the mauler shacks show a bit of interlocking

    Like i said, this is one of my pretty basic maps. I'll try and roll out one of the more intricate maps in a day or so, possibly later today even.

    QUESTION: in a map built for FFA (not battle mound, a diff. map), whats the main focus when placing spawns? is it just to have enough of them so that you cant spawn camp? i mean obviously its nice for a spawn point to be somewhat protected of course, and facing a focal point...but are there any suggestions about FFA spawning that you guys might have?
  9. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Man, there must be something in the water. It's been a pretty big topic of discussion for me. Go here to get some (hopefully) good advice. You're gonna need to add respawn areas to ensure good spawn placement, and the greatest minds of FH have been working on it tirelessly...
  10. Mercenary1982

    Mercenary1982 Ancient
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    This looks like a great map. VERY Clean looking.
  11. Mysterious D

    Mysterious D Ancient
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    >__> When i first looked at it i thought it as an inverted Spillway, but I can see it's completely different. I like the idea of the "mound" in this, but the gravity lift in the middle seems more like a con than a pro. I haven't tested this out yet, though, so I can't really say anything about it, but I'll get on that soon and update my review. Nice job.
  12. LIGHTSOUT225

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    yeh i hear what youre saying about an inverted spillway. the inspiration actually came from beaver creek though. i wanted to do a creek similar to the original map, but that puts an enormous strain on resources and item budgets when you have to create slightly elevated floors for 95% of the map so that the creek could be lower. So i just switched it instead, raising only the mound.

    i love the "hilly" elements in maps such as Burial Mounds, Valhalla, Isolation and others. The idea of breaking line of sight without actually having to go to the next room or behind a wall, its kinda what i was going for. Unfortunately, the mound isn't quite tall enough for the feat, but i liked the idea anyway and went on ahead with it.

    I'll certainly check the link out, but if its one in forging 101 or the forge discussion forum, ive already seen them. Its my understanding that area respawns can only be placed for non-slayer variants, correct? thats why there is no option for area respawns in default forge right? ONly after switching the gametype to CTF (for example) does the option to place respawn areas appear. should they still be used in an FFA map?

    Edit: After re-reading all of it I think I'm beginning to understand the whole area respawn system. I used it in Battle Mound but its probably not perfect. But when it comes to covering an entire map im basically clueless.
    I'm a visual person... Squidhands, if you or someone else can come in a map with me and show me or walk me through it sometime id appreciate it alot. I'm on pretty much everyday at some point.
  13. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    If you used respawn areas at all you're a little ahead of the game. Most people don't and it gets ugly fast when it comes to playing it. When you start in Forge, you start in the default 'all gametypes' section. You can set respawn areas for almost all of the gametypes including Slayer, but you have to switch to that particular gametype to be able to do it.
  14. pinecone2654

    pinecone2654 Ancient
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    This looks good, but is the inside of the pipe in the middle accessible?
  15. LIGHTSOUT225

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    only a tiny underhang (i know thats not a word but you get it) you can use for cover at each end...blocked off with interlocked doors
  16. A Nasty Fresh

    A Nasty Fresh Ancient
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    This map looks oh so unique, can't wait to play it! I love the floating rocket launcher that the grav lift takes you to, so cool and creative. Is the grav lift instant respawn?
  17. Mysterious D

    Mysterious D Ancient
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    I checked out your map, and it is much too easy to break out. Behind the slanted roofs, you should put up walls so that people cannot jump out, as it's easy to jump atop them. Other than that, though, your map is fine. Great job, I can see myself playing CTF on this.
  18. Gavin

    Gavin Ancient
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    this map looks sick

    and I love the catwalks, especially with the destructible barriers as cover
  19. LIGHTSOUT225

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    i agree it is fairly easy to get out of the map. but honestly, you have to be smart enough to just stay in. Those who take advantage of other people's maps and exploits shouldnt even be allowed to play anyway. Its like when playing Rocket Race and theres always that one team that chooses to just make everyone else's experience miserable by not playing the game as intended. you know what im talking about. Basically, have fun outside the map, ill go snag your flag and win the game.

    its a slap in the author/architect's face when you leave the map in my opinion. and its the quickest way to a bad review
  20. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    I did a quick forgethrough on this last night for about ten minutes. I really, really like how you've made this map.
    While I will agree with you on jerkoffs trying to get out of maps intentionally, I have to say that since you used the budget glitch map and had enough objects to use, it could have been easily blocked off and most likely would have eliminated any complaints on your map. Now if it weren't so easy to get on top of your covered walkway, it wouldn't be that big a deal. Just something to think about, and I'm totally in love with the covered walkways. Interlocking those boxes would have probably given me a forge-gasm. (To be fair, there's a good possibility that I'll swipe the idea for something down the line, but that should be considered a compliment and I won't be taking credit for the idea.)
    The only other small criticism I had was about getting up to the top of each base. Why not make it a little easier to get up there and move around without all the jumping and leaping? I'd understand if you had a more powerful weapon than a Needler up there that you'd want to make it more difficult and risky to get to, but it seemed a little unnecessary. But it may be different in actual gameplay.
    This is a great map and looks to play very well for how you have it designed. When I'm able to play some games on it I'll come back and give a full-on review. Nicely done, sir!
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