
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by SiR Shmo0pY, Oct 19, 2008.

  1. SiR Shmo0pY

    SiR Shmo0pY Ancient
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    I've always wanted to do a map like this! After I posted my third map and finished statica I got bored and decided to do a personal forge challenge, five days later it was completed but I didn't feel like posting it because of personal problems, famiy issues, and CoD4:)P).

    Finally it is here! Please, constructive critism, no going 'I hate this map because I hate you' or 'I could have done better', if you say that I have to see PROOF i.e. a posted map


    If you read this, you don't deserve a linkzoar XD

    jk : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details

    You better enjoy because if you don't Chuck Norris comes to your house on 12/24 and kills Santa right infront of you.
  2. vinco onmia

    vinco onmia Ancient
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    Anyway, this map (by first pic) looks very sloppy, but the other pictures make it look really nice. Are there any specific game varients to play with this map?
  3. H3C x Nevz

    H3C x Nevz Ancient
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    Not SANTA! :p This map looks really solid; I love the floor look of maps like this and Unchained. The part made of wall is very smooth, but when you make a map like this, don't have too many different levels, or it all looks choppy.
  4. Kilamanjara14

    Kilamanjara14 Ancient
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    Very good and clean interlocking except for some paprts is it supposed to be all bumpy and what not? Also it seems open I am not sure if the bumps act as cover but very nice besides that. 4/5
  5. i_support_elites

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    sweet map, i assume you were trying to make a close qaurters map? i love those.
  6. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    This map looks very nice! It kinda looks like Ivory Snak3's map, Fractured. The gameplay seems open but good for BR practices. Next time, try to put a better description of your map and maybe provide a list of weapons and equipment. Good job.4/5
  7. Lance001

    Lance001 Ancient
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    Some really skilled interlocking (must've taken forever, bravo!), but I don't like the finished product for a few reasons: One, the floor would drive me insane. As long as I was walking downhill, it'd be OK, but if I were to ever pursue an enemy uphill, I'd have to be jumping every two seconds as to continue moving forward. And, when one jumps, one is basically a sitting (floating?) duck, as one can't do anything else. The endless repetition of having to hop every time I wanted to walk somewhere would literally make me quit the game.

    Secondly, your pictures only show the open area in the there more? If so, can we see it? If not, then this is basically an arena which was hit by a minor earthquake, and does not impress me.

    You're definitely skilled enough to produce something truly impressive, and I admire your patient pursuit of the original idea you had. You might consider angling the floors a bit so as to both change up the geometry and also to give players a break from bouncing so much. Secondly, think about adding some interesting geometry in the arena area...right now it would be suicide for a player to walk out there, as there's virtually no cover. You wouldn't all the players to hang around the edges waiting for a fool to step out onto the floor, would you?

    I hope these ideas help and don't come across as deragatory criticism of your work.
  8. spartin2000

    spartin2000 Ancient
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    this is a sweet map it looks like you put a lot and i mean a lot this is worth a download 5/5
  9. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    the map itself if fairly impressive. The majorly smooth parts are fantasticly done, and it has a decent layout. my only advice is that the floors you used dont work well for Halo. it makes following an enemy or dodging an enemy a pain in the ass. If you're going to do something like that, make it so that its a smooth transition that they can walk over, or at least a larger gap that they need to jump, but could also provide them with a side for cover.

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