Ok I have fixed it all up, and it should be much better now. Changed it to one territory. Didnt delete the bottom bridge, but did make a slight change that is better and more fun. Will be up by the end of the day as Air Hockey v2
you are a pure genius. what can possibly be wrong with an air hockey game. its a very fun game i just played it. its very suspenseful and competitive. everyone was screaming at each other to shoot the soccerball, so i had to boot a few people. but they all liked the game and so did i. my only complaint though is that you should make more fun mini game maps like this.
haha thanks, and it does get pretty intense, even with 6 people. I have a v2 that i will post tomorrow early in the morning, it should be even better.
Woa, a very unique type of map. I really like the goals and the object of the game. I think its cool because you have to stay in the spawn room and try to work the ball over to the goal with a brute shot. Once you do you made it very creative. But Can you Kill eachother?
nope, i made it so that the base player trait shield health is invulnerable, so there is no way for you to be killed.
All you'd really have to do is turn betrayels off, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't be able to kill each other across the map... And I agree with whoever posted on the first page & said you should make it more interesting... Add maybe a Flare or perhaps a Shield Door (drop in front of your goal as a temporary goalie), that would make it like... Super Air Hockey Extreme! Lol. Great map.
very neat and complex map. I've played many mini game maps and I really don't like them. But i can tell me and my friends are going to love this map. very nice job 5/5!!
This looks epic! I haven't played it yet so I am waiting for v2. Can't wait to try. It seems you fixed most of the problems with the v2, but in case I missed anything you could use window panels instead of the lower bridge.
nice idea easy to get points(once you actually get the soccer ball in the goal) and smooth gameplay simple and fun noobz shouldnt get confused =D great idea
GREAT idea. The interlocking is great and the geomerged teleporter is awesome. Overall I rate the game-play a an 8.5/10 because it's easy to run into people who don't know what the **** they're doing even though I tell them. For the forging skills I give it a 9.5/10. GREAT JOB!
This game is fun and simple, which is why it's a mini game, and the map was well made. As far as gameplay goes, it is very much like real air hockey in that the ball is constantly going back and forth like an air hockey puck. Also it is important to make sure that the teams are even before the game starts. I played a game in which one team had one more person and that made all the difference. They won the game easily, but the next game we played with even teams and it turned out to be a better game for everyone.
Great map. The only problem I have it with is that once it goes under the bridge your standing on your scrwed. Any way you can back it up so once it gets under you it hits the mancannon.
i love the concept of brutehsots and rocks with the soccorball im thinking is there a way to improve... mabey put a goaly above the goals that makes its easyer to defend from close spaces...somehow
this is very clean and well made. is there anyway of stopping the ball from going in?? if not you should add that. 3/5
with some work i would like to see this map featured. for blam!'s sake, it's a recreation of air hockey. but what if you turned it into foosball by making little boxes with windows along the side of for teammates to shoot from? you'd all have different positions like in foosball. or make a separate foosball map with that idea? i think that would be really cool and fun. awesome map and fun game.
K, because this map is getting so much recognition so far, i will get up v2 by the end of the day. It allows you to stop the ball from entering your goal. Much like an "explosive" Goalie. Also, when you score from now on, it is an instant win, there is no flag grabbing involved. More Later.
Hurry up with the V2. This sounds like loads of fun and with the new adjustments from v1, should be amazingly fun.
i played this with 9 of my friends and they said it was the best map they have ever seen. I agree 100% with them. This is an awsome map and the best soccor/hockey game i have ever seen.