we should all try to join games more often. plenty of times before today i'v been sent game invites (who i assumed were from FH) but i had never joined (mostly because i was busy doing something else) but when i did join a game today i realized i was in the majority. most FH community members dont join custom games when prompted to. I am only asking that we try a little bit more to accept party requests, because when you want to test your map your relying on this community. agreed?
it pretty much depends on what the other person is doing, they may already be testing a map or building a new one when the invite is sent.. :/
The maps just came out, so naturally the forge hub community is forging away Just wait a couple days, people will start doing groups again
Yea, just give it a week or so and people will get back to playing. Personally I've actaully quit out of MM to join an FH invite (only 2 times) so I know I'm not the one. But you have to realize if someone is working on their own "masterpiece" they cant be bothered with 10,000 kids asking them to test their maps.
Plus, not everyone on everyone's FL knows as much about balancing maps as some members of Forge Hub do. Thats what we are all here for, helping each other to make all of our maps stand out from the repetitive garbage we get shoved down on our throats at bungie.net's gametype/map forum