This map is designed for utter chaos.It is in the back room of foundry with tons of weapons.Its really fun for crazy battles. Red Spawn The middle Teams fight for the flamethrower in the middle of the map.The flamethrower is essentialy the key to defending from attack. The outside of each spawn contains a turret and other power weapons. Blue Spawn u can see the weapons in the back the way i set them up This is the area just outside the middle.Both teams have this area. Download A VS WAR Below
um chaos might not happen if you are killed before you can pick up those weapons, not very complex and looks like it took a few minutes. More power weapons doesnt always mean chaos, usually means bad.
This map loooks a little overpowered, having cover in the back halls is cool and all, but each team has like 10 of each weapon and the area is extremely small for beam Rifles, and the Flamethrower would dominate the whole map, which would cause multiple problems in many ways. The idea isn't too great, because you've only got one path to each teams base, making it pretty troubling to be able to kill your enemy, and having armories on any map is always messy. Anyway I'd give you a 3/5 for wanting to use the Foundry back hall (Still not outside Foundry, though) but 1/5 for gameplay (Easily predictable from what is given.)
all you did was pack three million weapons into the back room, dude. not only will the gameplay be terrible, but come on...that just takes about 3 seconds of planning. i understand that some people like the "this is so crazy that its not even fun!" kind of maps, but just keep it to yourself. they're not really forum worthy. if you must know why, its simple: no thought process/ too many weapons/ nowhere to go...chaos doesn't always equal fun. and although you put every weapon you could think of, i guarantee that only like, 4 of them will get used. wats the point of having needlers, pistols, ARs, BRs, Spikers, and all that jazz if everyone'll just want the big weapons? when no strategy is involved, everyone will just flock to the guns that make the biggest boom. 0/5..i'm sorry, i do feel that strongly about it. nothing personal; i'm grading your map, not you
Again, please think before you post. I can't even suggest how you could fix this other than make an entirely different map. And if I get an infraction for this, just look. More weapons doesn't make a map better apposed to one with less weapons.
Umm... I agree with all the other posts and another thing. There's a clear sniper bullet path to the other side of the map soooo..... I won't be playing this. ever. Unless of course I feel like entering a fragfest.
im sorry but i agree with everyone elses post a bajillion weapons doesnt mean the map is fantastic and u also put each weapon next to eachother which takes no thought at all and putting assault rifles there when theres probably a 99.9% chance of them getting some big strong power weapon. there isnt anything i could tell u to improve on except for making a whole new map. sorry 0/5 no creativity at all. P.S- don't minus rep me for this i wasnt flaming at u i was just giving u my honest opinion like everyone else who posted about your map.
I love the idea behind this map. It's so ingenious. You've got some really cool ideas in this map. I love how neatly the weapons are layed out. It looks like you took a lot of care in how you placed them. This is good, it means you have potential as you are patient and calculated. The only problem with this map is that it's outdated by about a year..
I'm not much up to playing a chaos-filled map full of the map's every weapon. Below average; not to upset you, but I'm not sure i'll Download this.........ever.
Maybe he got banned for placing so many weapons in one map? Sorry, joking, nah I don't like the way you've called it simple, it's more lazy than simple. However, it could be improved if you allowed the players access to the stairs part of Foundry, or maybe make a tunnel leading from one window side to another. Also, lose the turrets and the pile of weapons (including snipers. One sniper would be useless enough in such a confined space, let alone 16 of them)
Holy ****! this map sucks! you didn't even interlock. It's pretty much just 100 gay weapons! I give it a 0/5. No make that 0.000/5