OVERVIEW~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Description: This UNSC base was soon abandoned after it was attacked by the Covenant. Battle scars and echoes still remain. 2-10 players Gametypes: All The Clinic Outside (still in the map) I made Shelves! Someone Got mad an blew Up the Wall The Pentagon Hallway The Garage The Downward Slope The Main Room (A closer Look at the Ceiling and the Wall) Outpost 94B is a small-medium sized map (it is good with 10 people, 5 v 5) The ramp that leads into the room with the hallway is supposed to be bumpy since it is rubble from the wall. Rubble is not smooth. It is a great map, very fun. The map is also great with infection. Weapons and Equipment x2 Assault rifle x3 Battle Rifle x1 Sniper Rifle x1 SMG x2 Spiker x2 Magnum x1 Plasma Rifle x1 Needler x1 Spartan Laser x2 Carbine x1 Mauler x3 Frag x4 Plasma x3 Spike x1 Regenerator x1 Trip mine DOWNLOAD HERE
Seems a little small. Other parts seem a tad messy but still, you have some nice merging. Not the best map I've seen but not the worse. 3/5 And I noticed you took your photos in forge. Doesn't bother me as much but some people don't like it so I suggest custom games next time.
ok, but where is it messy? remember the base was supposed to be attacked, so there is a hole in the wall. where that hole is, isn't supposed to be smooth in any way and I did have to make some areas "rough" I started running out of items. I ended up with nothing left
Blown up wall, i almost thought you just sloped it down the I read the post. Neat mp, bit small though 3.5/5
Wow, this is a really neat map. It's a little small, but I personally like small FFA matches better. The blown up wall in there looks really classy, seeing how you sorta made it look intentionally messy. I might have to include that concept into some of my future maps. A DL and +rep for you, dude. Good work!
Its good good map. (cons) I know i said this b4 but this is way too small for infection unless the zombies are a lot slower and it take like 3 br shots to kill them. i think u should geomerge the open boxes cuz when u walk through them there is a bump.When i was playing this map with u i was just about to kill the zombie when i hit that bump and missed his head.I was like ****. Now u said u ran out of money.Well i think those those man cannons on the top are useless.U could delete those and make the map neater.If they are used to make the map un breakable then when your in game u will just get shot and u cant break the map. I really dont think its that good with ten people.maybe seven cuz when u play infection i really dont need 9 other people coming after me.I think tops would be six.but thats just for infection... (pros) Very good interlocking...Example:that pentagon place and the blown up wall. Very good weapon placement.But the only thing is that i think u should make a couple more brs spawn for the humans in infection.Like set it on the asymetrical setting when playing infection. Spawns are very good.You dont spawn behind or in front of anybody in slayers.And for infection u made the zombies spawn all the way by the trucks. And what happened to you saying that u didnt like maulers huh?
I did write a very long comment to this post about 2 minutes ago, but it seems that everytime im in the middle of a post, i mysteriously keep getting signed out and lose all my writings. I am going to try to type this all again. Ok, first, i like the overall looks of your map, but it doesnt seem to flow too nicely from each part. The presentation of this map is good. Creating broken parts of maps is something you seldom see, and i dont think your wall looks too great. The feature i like the most though is the ceilings. Flat, dull ceilings are way overused, and well..., boring. Angling the roofs is an amazing touch that adds a much better aesthetic feel. Seeing these ceilings shows that you take that extra time to make your maps look that much better. I myself love to see people take pride in their work by making it eye-appealing, and give off a nice atmosphere. The one feature that doesnt appeal to me (my own personal opinion here) is that I see some open boxes on the ground. (still my own opinion) But i like to geomerge any open boxes of the floor to eliminate that bottom plate. All-in-all, I like the clean interlox that i see here, and map looks relatively smooth. But the features that stand out the most to me, are the ceilings. With some more tweaks, and keeping up this caliber work, Im sure you are going to attract some more fans.
I'm not sure why people gave you 3s and 3.5s because I walked through and it's really clean. I love the pentagon and the sniper area, which just looks beautiful. I think you'd be better off just removing the ramp that leads to the blown up wall, it doesn't look very good and it's quite bumpy. 4.5/5
The aesthetics of this map are beautiful. The bowl around the sniper spawn was forged perfectly. All of the weapons placements are good, but there are a few too many grenades. You did a good job enclosing the map, while maintaining the good look in this map. Most of the walkways are smooth, excluding the intentionally rough one. The gameplay of this map was exciting, but you should really cut down on the grenades. When I played in Slayer with about 6 people there were a few spawn issues, but nothing major. I would have more to say, but the people that I was playing with quit because I was winning with 23 points. Aesthetics: 5/5 Weapon Placement: 4/5 Playability: 4/5 Final Score: 4.75/5
wow, thanks everyone yeah, I know, I should have geo-fused in some areas, but then it started to be- I can't leave any holes (fusing takes up some room) and what was essential. (Except the ceiling, I really wanted something like that, on the flat parts in the ceiling could have computers if it was re-skinned) Tin, I had to put the man cannons, or there would be a hole in the ceilig and people could get out. You can use the bottom of man cannons as ramps/barriers (in one of my maps that I made I used a ramp made out of the backs of man cannons) Also, read my signature. Then follow the link. If you are interested then pm me. ____________________________________________ Edit- V1.2 will be coming out soon-LESS NADES, smoother areas
I have a secret? You can use the backs of man cannons as barriers and it sort of/not really looks like lights
Outpost 94B was a really fun map to play on, when we played on it. [Used BR only starts] It was really well planned out, with at least two ways to get to every area. ^ You could have MLG-style or even casual games on it. ^ Forging was good, I understand that you ran out of items. Infection was surprisingly good, lots of suspense. You slowly wore down your ammo and had to move from where you were holed up. Mabey you could put that variant up, Dark? And to whoever emntioned the ceilings, yealh, they're smexy.