What is you guys' setup for geomerging a single wall? No matter what I use for braces, other walls, fencewalls, teleporters, boxes, the wall just slides right through them whenever I grab the wall.
I usually would use several sender teleporters for braces, one on each side (or more if you can fit them). Then, depending on how far I want the wall to go down, I would either use as many doors vertically or horizontally across the top of the wall (horizontal making the wall only merge a small distance). Remember to save before you do a merge so that if it goes wrong you can try again without having to do the braces all over again. Also remember to make sure that the doors across the top of the wall are inline and straight; a good way to do this is to place several walls next to the wall you want to merge because this will create a larger surface area so that the doors don't fall off when you are placing them. When the wall is being merged it might start to slant to one side, to straighten it up I usually let go of 'A' and tap the side that I want the wall to lean towards. For a deeper geomerge, like TheDarkKnight05 said, after pressing A on the wall try to save quit as fast as possible otherwise your wall might sink straight through the floor; when doing this you should start to save new versions of your map just in case your merge goes wrong so you don't have to do it all over again. That would be my method of doing it, I'm sure others will tell you how to do it another way eg. using boxes to push the wall down.
Ya. I do it the basically the same way as TD. I put send teleporters on each of the long flat sides, and then receiver teleporters on the skinny short side. Then place the doors on top of the wall so they sink into it. Now click the wall and then save and quit as fast as you can. This way works great for me and I have never had a bad geomerge with it.
Okay, I've done everything I can think of, and every time the wall goes right through any of my braces. I have one film clip, and if anyone could find what I did wrong, I'd owe my life to you.
well your placeing the doors long ways to cover the whold wall, dont do that. turn them so taht they are not completely along it, so that the middle of the doors are the only thing in. thats your problem. also your sniper spawn is bad. the sniper is suppose to spawn where it wont be very effective, so that the player needs to go to high ground.
...Huh? Sniper Spawn? first off, the sniper spawn on my map is fine, and that's really not what I'm worrying about right now. I do really appreciate your comment and checking the vid, + rep for you. EDIT: Yep, that worked, a mod could lock to hide my shame. I still don't quite understand where the whole sniper comment came from, it is on high ground... eh, whatever.