
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by deathangle, Oct 17, 2008.

  1. deathangle

    deathangle Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this map is a nonsymetrical map. That based around the highground style of map. It has high point which u can stand on and fight from, but also has bunkers u can take cover in.

    there are 4 main points, everest, the barn, pyriamid, and snipe tower,

    named for being the highest point on the map. Has narrow little room to move around enless your on the top and has some good cover but you have many vunlerbale positions from this point.
    fuel rod gun spawn 150 1 clip
    ar spawn 30 2 clip
    mauler spawn 45 2 clip

    the barn
    named for looking like a barn. It has 4 routes in on the bottom and 5 routes from the top. That makes it kind of hard to camp. Show u some cool features of the barn in pics.

    br spawn 45 2 clip
    carbine spawn 30 2 clip
    hammer spawn 150 full clip


    named cause its base structer is like a pyrimaid. While not being as high as everest it makes up for that by having really good cover from it. Show u the other features in pics.

    2 carbines spawn 30 2 clip
    sparten laser spawn 150 full clip


    snipe tower
    named cause it homes the sniper rifle. It has and good underneath area that could be camped but is to open.
    the top is pretty cool too but i have to use pics to show you.

    br spawn 45 2 clip
    sniper rifle spawn 150 1 clip
    mauler spawn 45 2 clip


    eq and nades
    6 plasma gernades spawn 20
    4 frag gernades spawn 10
    1 grav lift spawn 30
    1 powner drain spawn 60

  2. sexy dude

    sexy dude Ancient
    Senior Member

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    the only problem i have with this map is that there is maybe a bit to much open space on the ground so then you have all the forging higher up, i recomend adding some cover and maybe add a mongoose in the map.
  3. deathangle

    deathangle Ancient
    Senior Member

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    im sorry but im kinda disappointed i put alot of time and effort into making this and no is even at least gonna say anything good about it. feels like im just wasting my time ohh well mabye i could do somthing else.
  4. bio

    bio Ancient

    Likes Received:
    Open areas ar ok.

    I have to agree some small portions of the map feel a little flat and can use some barriers to add some volumetry to the ground for example --but i'll leave that to the designer and concept of the map - i find this map well built and interlocked takes advantage of the entire map and thats not easy to do--it shows that you dedicated a lot of time buildding it and making sure everything was straight-what this map needs its some spread arround scenery objects like barrels, pallets, wire spools, crates, propane tanks etc.--but dont be afraid of open areas like sexy dude says and i'm a 100% sure SEXY DUDE didn't even downloaded it he just looked at the pics and decided that he could write a good review lol--cause some original halo maps have very open areas and they DO work its just that some noobs are afraid when they're not hidding or people that say ohh you stole my kill--over all i give it a 4/5 cause it really needs some soft scenery objects like i said before.
  5. deathangle

    deathangle Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i really was having trouble just getting cover on all of the platforms the barn like thing ate up my entire savings account. lol. i under stand about the open areas just look at highground vallhalla last resort everyone who plays that map knows that if u run right out in the center u die why should i have to protect noobs from being stupid. ya im not much for scenery i dont ever have enough cash to put everthing i want on the map had to spend hours just finging ways to get enough dumpster on the map so everthing was easily accessable. i try to use a money glitched map but always end up deleteing somthing i need and get so mad i want to beat my xbox to death with a sludge hammer.
    #5 deathangle, Oct 19, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2008

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