Does anyone know of a way to make a certain team always on defense? Like for example if I wanted blue team to always be on defense on a certain game type? I'm trying to have it where blue team is on defense and only consists of 1 person, and this 1 person is the vip on defense vs everyone else (red team) on offense in my game type.
Anyone any ideas? Right now I just have to have 1 person on blue and everyone else on red, then start the game, and just hope the blue team with only 1 player is the defense team. If it is backwards I have to end game and start again hoping to get it right. Can this be done?
I had an idea like this, make the VIP Human, and the rest Zombies. You can set the number on each team in Infection.
Ok how comes when i am on slayer mode, i get attackers and defenders, but im on slayer. I hate this. I wish they had like all the colors so that when you join the color that i put the spawn in, thats where they would go.
What about on the tremors valley map, I have only played it once, but in the lobby two people changed to red, and everyone else to blue, so that there were two tremors. Was it just luck that they ended up on the right team? and If you only set it to one round it would work, but I dont know how to make my one person team be the vip team.
You can make them a VIP by spawning them next to a custom powerup. I don't remember how long they last though so you could make your game get tougher as the minutes go by or something. I personally just honor rule it and play it like Tremors (you know, make the teams a certain way in the pre-game lobby)