
Discussion in 'Featured Maps' started by Vicious Vice, Oct 19, 2008.


How would you rate this map?

  1. Poor

  2. OK

  3. Average

  4. Good

  5. Great

  1. Vicious Vice

    Vicious Vice Ghosts of Onyx
    Senior Member

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    Created by Deathtoll77 & idiotninja
    Gametypes Supported: Coin Slot
    Recommended Players: 6-16

    Ever pondered what happens to a quarter when your put it into a soda machine? Well, worry no longer because here we have the perfect interpretation of what happens in the mechanisms of such a machine. Pennyless is a mini-game which takes the needler from Purple Monster and puts the humans into an even more perilous position. Your only chance of survival? Well, there is none. The player must jump, punch and jump some more past the competition to retrieve better equipment to stay alive for as long as possible.

    While a player is doing that the zombies, needler in hand, are trying their best to "needle" the humans who are jumping about. If they so happen to fall they will do so into a deathpit. The arena itself is a large canyon with an assortment of equipment placed upon platforms to help slow their descent. Only the last surviving coin receives points. Who will be the final penny down the slot?



    #1 Vicious Vice, Oct 19, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2008
  2. Ganye

    Ganye Ancient
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    Always meant to play this. Never got around to downloading it. Glad to see this finally featured.
  3. drak

    drak Ancient
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    Although unexpected, this map fits the bill for a featurable mini-game map

    I made the video for the old v2 of this, and playtesting it was a bunch-o-fun!

    'Gratz on the feature :D
  4. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    Great to see this got featured. Quite deserving of the front page if I don't say so myself.

    One of the more unique maps to be put forth recently. I love the concept, and I'm glad all errors from previous versions were fixed.
  5. Chron

    Chron Ancient
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    i never managed to see the map yet now that i have im glad it got featured. THIS MAP RULES SO HARD i've qued
  6. StreetSoccer12

    StreetSoccer12 Ancient
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    I Thought I would have never seen the day, finally pennyless has been featured!

    It's good to keep that out of our systems, everyone has been waiting and wanting it featured. Congrats on the Feature guys!

    SHADOWFIEND741 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    yay it got featured. best mini game ever. i played it with a bunch of my friends
    i love the teleporters at the bottom and how you have to jump plaform to platform to survive.
  8. CommanderA17

    CommanderA17 Ancient
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    This Review has been Edited for an inappropriate and unnecessary use of words. Sorry about before Dethtoll77 and IdiotNinja, you guys are awesome forgers. KEEP IT UP!

    The A17 Review

    Pennyless got featured!? Yay or nay?

    The Good
    (+)Awesomely addictive mini-game
    (+)Deathpit adds lots of strategy on where you should be jumping
    (+)Fun to watch your friends die everytime

    The Bad
    (-)Spam spam spam that needler!
    (-)Humans can't win
    (-)Think purple monsters, but switching the roles of players.

    The Verdict
    I give pennyless v3 by Deathtoll77 and idiotninja a 1/5.

    Grading Scale
    2/5-Lame, don't recommend, but if you like the looks or you dig the feel, DL away.
    3/5-Lacking, but it is worth checking out!
    4/5-AMAZING! DL for sure!
    5/5-Don't expect seeing this too much, I'm looking for PERFECT! As in its in my fileshare FOREVER!

    Hated me the first time? I'll give you another opinion from me at no cost! Just give me a holla!

    The A17 Review is not part of any Community Forge Rating Groups, nor is it endorsed or copied from. CommanderA17 reviews voluntarily. I am not paid, nor am I given extra rep or whatever kinda crap like that. I play every map before judgment strikes.
    #8 CommanderA17, Oct 19, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2008
  9. Huntar

    Huntar Ancient
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    feature very well deserved. This IMO is the best mini game to date. Its so... "thrilling". I had a blast playing with the creators and testing this map. From the details they told me the put a tremendous amount of effort into this map. Again, Very well deserved feature.

    oh btw; IMO v3 video is better sdrakulich :D
  10. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    Winning isnt all that matters, is it? Maybe it's just me, but I dont care if I win...hell, if I wanted to win, I'd be playing Matchmaking. But i'm not, I'm playing a minigame, and the reason I'm playing it is to have fun. And fun I have, even if I automatically loose every game, I still have fun.

    And thats all that should matter for a minigame, though I try to keep a scoring system for my own minigames. He could easily have used a KOTH/VIP system, but thats OK. His system works fine.
  11. drak

    drak Ancient
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    lol not that I dont deny it...I would have made a video (again) and I had premade footage, unlike them, (gamevee was mine) so I had to pick out epic footage from in there. It was also one of my first videos, so w/e.

    Also, it is the version 3 of the map..lmao
  12. Huntar

    Huntar Ancient
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    agreed. Very well put Insane.
  13. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    wow i played with with kilosphere and i didnt like it much but i guess ill give it a second chance if it got featured. gongrats on the feature btw
  14. Huntar

    Huntar Ancient
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    my bad :D but it wasnt horrible, its 20x better than chocalate rain.

  15. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    So from what you've said, if you can win it's fun.
    Why not forget about the destination and enjoy the journey.

    If you fail to have fun, that's fine but you cannot deny that others have fun and that this is a very original map and idea. Your review, as far as I'm concerned is awful and fail.

    I don't really take the crap spewing from you serious when you're blatantly insulting this map, a previous feature and the staff's judgement. When you're reviewing a map, referring to it as crap, or ****, or fail you fail at your review. It is not a review, it is not done on a neutral level. You personally hate the map, and you're entitled to your opinion but you were reviewing it as if it is general fact. Which it is not, it is your opinion.

    It seems you only like to win and not to play. It's not about the destination but the journey. I'm surprised you don't consider death pits as fail as it seems you don't have much that isn't considered fail. There are numerous aspects to Pennyless that, in my opinion, make it a unique and enjoyable experience. What you said there makes no sense, "it's good but what it's built for is crap". So, you feel that it was built well but it doesnt play well? Well, that's your opinion and mine is that it both looks and plays very well.

    The map is all about moving, keep moving, keep on your toes to avoid the needles. If it doesn't appeal to you then there's no need to mouth off at it. Keep your overly bias opinions to yourself and instead offer constructive critisism and while you're at it, quit doing reviews.

    There's my opinion on your review.

    oh and...
    What about? Your poor reviews and your whoring of the word fail
    Nobody Worthy likes this.
  16. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    Linu, remember you are a mod now. You can infract for the use of the word "Fail". :monitor:

    Anyways, I just played this map once today. God, that was really awsome, the humans only had goten to a powerup once, but it was really fun anyways, even when as a human.

    Congratz on the feature. :happy:
  17. Resix

    Resix Ancient
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    wow who called it just look at mai sig!!! Deathtoll and idiotninja you guys have perfected this map and it has to be one of the best minigames evermade. i was playing it just a couple minutes ago and then i get a message saying check forgehub. and look it was featured. My favorite part about v3 is the custom power ups they really added the extra element needed for this game. 5/5
  18. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    The first time I played this, I was all like "WTF HAX?!" and then I was like "Dude this rocks!" and then when I helped made v3 I was like "FEATURE NAO!" --And hey look! It's featured! lawlz! So for you nay-sayers, don't be hatin' cause you can't win this mini-game (in as you don't like the fact that you have to be good at jumping and actually use your brain -not saying you don't have to for others). You have to give these two forgers credit for coming up with a new and rather fun mini-game. --I'm also sure these two will make more mini-games of epicness in the future.
  19. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    Mixed views on this map. I'll rate it once I play it. I'll DL it now and give it the benefit of the doubt. Looks good though. Wow, I'm surprised it got featured, you know with "purple monster" an' all.

    I like this map by looking at the pics, but it might be no better than Jenga tower or that map where the zombie has to whack random crap into that tube .
  20. HalfBrian

    HalfBrian Ancient
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    I played this two weeks ago in Tex' TGIF party, and I think everyone had a lot of fun.

    Two tips for the Humans:

    Get and use the powerups.
    Try to never jump when you have needles in you.

    I think it would be a bit more realistic for the humans if another Deployable Cover was put on, but oh well.

    Congrat's on the feature!

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