So some vids of the World at War multiplayer came out a few days ago. and the word "treyarch" i usually associate with the word "fail". but after seeing those, all i pretty much have to say is: "Outstanding Marines. Out ****ing standing!" looks like treyarch may have actually pulled out a win. it looks like they kept it close enough to CoD 4, while still being an original game. You know what you get when you get a 7 kill streak? dogs. you ket to release a bunch of ferocious ****ing dogs on the enemy team. to me, thats way more bad ass than a chopper. im not saying anything about the campaign, but the multiplayer looks pretty sweet. here are links to the vids: IGN Video: Call of Duty: World at War Xbox 360 Gameplay - Death Match 1 well just click that, and you can watch them all. so what do you guys think about it?
I think that game looks ****ing awesome and I think the use of swears at the victory add to it. I never bought COD 4 and I've been regretting that for a while, but I seriously think I'll buy this one. And the attack dogs are probably less cheap than choppers. I just wish I could get a Beta code.
From watching all 4 of the videos, my mind is going to the Resident Evil 5 trailer and putting in that guys voice saying,"Poor show, poor show indeed."<---Way he says that is awesome! This might be one of those things where you guys are seeing CoD5 and I'm seeing CoD4. Honestly, while you guys are probably seeing WW2, I'm seeing the guy running around with an MP5! Things I noticed. The hud is the exact same. No changes at all. They could have made it more in style with the time... The gameplay looks like the exact same as CoD4 but it has vehicles and dogs instead of choppers. Not much of a change really but I can see how the chopper should have been replaced. Next, the audio is amazing. It really is and that's why it shocks me to here such bad dialogue! They could have put personality into each sides dialgue and that would have been awesome! Instead of the Japs or the Yanks saying that'll shake 'em up or a hit to their moral(<---Is that the Russian one? Also, paraphrased ever so slightly...) I wish one of them said something truely bloodthirsty and something that fits with firing artillery. The map design is okay... I'd rate it no where near the awesome map design that we see from EPIC but somewhere much lower near Bungie. Again, nothing special... Personaly, I'm seeing CoD4 in this. They saw that people like CoD4 and decided to do everything the exact same such as the HuD, Cover art, Engine and everything. I can almost predict the campaign being the exact same with maybe a death or two more. I can see torture in this one as well.
the campaign being the exact same as cod4? its wwII, it will be completely different. and i thought cod4 was great, so id rather them make it a lot like cod4 than try to change it and it be horrible.
Just because the heritage trilogy is set in a fantasy world of dungeons and dragons doesn't matter as the story is essentially the Star Wars story. The same with CoD5. I'm guessing, from what I've heard, that there will be two, 3 max, main characters. One of them, maybe the American one, will die after a huge onslaught of victories. I'm going to guess that his boat sinks and he drowns. After that, all the missions will be from another guy, maybe British. On the last mission, I can imagine every guy on the squad dieing, from main villian is unlikely. After that, from the sucess of Mile High, I'm imagining a sort of clear the boat epilogue. Now, onto the other point. Sure, similarities will have to be there to somehow tie it to the name. But, when those similarities make me see a guy running around with an MP5 and callinng down artillary every so often, there is something wrong. You yourself saw these similarities and said them in your own post, although not to such a degree.
Dogs instead of choppers? Thats a tad weird. But I guess they will work? And I see now that it is 4 perks, which is pretty awesome. t adds more to the RPG feel of the COD we all now know and love. Im still debating whether to get it still, just because I prefer Modern warfare over 1943.
They did use the same engine, and personally, most call of duty games have the same gameplay. But it is still going to be different.
facepalm. Of course sequels will have similiar gameplay. What would you expect when the games are in the same frachise? The problem isn't similiar gameplay. It's the exact same gameplay. You create classes JUST LIKE CoD 4. You have perks JUST LIKE CoD 4. You get kill bonuses JUST LIKE CoD4. You have the hud FROM CoD4. You gain rank by points JUST LIKE CoD4. The only difference is that the perks are more specialised and theirs tanks. In all honesty, if I hadn't played the level with tanks, I'd have thought that I downloaded the wrong beta. Now, from what I've seen and played. The audio is good for weapons and artillery. The footprints are esily heard which may have been me but I never heard them in CoD4. But the audio really lets itself down on the voices. After hearing the Soviet, American and Japanese factions,(Haven't played as Nazis yet.) the Americans have the best voice overs. The problem with the Soviet and Japanese voices is that while they are distinct from the American voice, it's just a slight accent. You only hear a hint of Japanese or Russian influence. If they didn't start the game with showing you the logo for the faction, I wouldn't know which faction I'm playing for. The only way I can see them fixing this is if they put those voices in the corrosponding factions language and have subtitles at the bottom but that isn't very good as you will be wanting to hear it in English as they tell you imporatant information(For the most part.) Another way is to put it as an over the top Russian or Japanese voice but that woldn't fit the style they want the game to have. Next, about the perk system. They made almost no improvements to it. It's the same old perk system. With a few new perks. The new perks seem almost too specialised. This is good, in a way, as it makes you keep the weapon you have but the real specialisation problem is in the 'resistance to certain damage' perks. To put it simply, why use them if Juggernaught is available?
It looks too much like a simple mod of the game (as a result, $60 seems like far too much to pay for the game), and they seem to have dumped off what little realism they previously had. And in the case of a few other vids, the accents that people talk with are simply terrible. I really doubt I'll bother with this CoD (a first for me), but if I can't find a god damned friend on Xbox Live because of this, or if the single player turns out to be interesting, then I'll have to suffer through what this is.
Actually, I just played the beta yesterday, and it is a lot different gameplay wise than I thought it would be. Its much slower, to me at least. you are right a lot of perks are the same but there are new ones and some were tweaked. it also seems a bit more team based than cod4.
I noticed the speed change and to be honest, it makes the game feel unneccasarly bulky. It almost makes the game feel last gen for some reason. The perks are touched up a bit, true, but the new ones are way too specific. It's good in the damage increase ones but not in the damage resistance ones. There's a reason why it feels more team bases and it's not because it is. It's a clever use of audio and that is at the start. It literally tells you to use team work to win. It's smart but really only affects those who normaly run-n-gun.