Qur'an References in LittleBigPlanet, Faces Worldwide Recall

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Reynbow, Oct 18, 2008.

  1. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    Religion is stupid. Believing is stupid.
  2. Arch3m

    Arch3m Ancient
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    Forced patch time. That's really all that needs to be done to alleviate this "issue".
  3. Reynbow

    Reynbow Ancient
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    Approximately only 50% of console owners play online. That means 50% of the copies would not be patched. Not a viable option in the slightest.

    And as it has already been said, a patch does not remove the song. It's still on the disc and can easily be accesed even if it were patched.

    Please read before posting... Fool...
  4. RabidZergling

    RabidZergling Ancient
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    ...Have you made a single post so far that isn't full of insults? In one sentence you state that a disk shouldn't contain offensive material, and the next you call people morons, fools, stupid, self-absorbed, and ignorant because they disagree - I don't understand.

    To reply to your links, I was talking about only games- notice how that's the only thing I linked to you.

    On the topic of releasing a disk with offensive material, I'm not even sure what this would affect. I highly doubt anybody would be offended by it if they know they are given the option to patch it out, and I doubt the phrases would affect the ESRB rating. They are not spoken in English, for one, so I believe ESRB may realize that the target consumer (in the US) does not speak Somalian, and even if they do, it probably wouldn't fall under anything greater than suggestive themes/mild language.

    I'm not going to insult you back- hopefully you have the capacity to carry out a intellectual debate instead of just throwing insults. Please, if you want to contribute, at least do it in a way that doesn't make everybody dislike you- it's bad for both sides. Look at the debate forum as an example- we discuss religion in several different threads and all of them are interesting, intellectual, and insult-free.
    #24 RabidZergling, Oct 19, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2008
    Shock Theta likes this.
  5. Jimbodawg

    Jimbodawg Ancient
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    From the looks of it, it would appear as if Reyn is trying his hardest to defend religion.
    In all respect though, you're making yourself look silly by taking way too far.
    We can't really say anything though because we don't know whether the offended person (if there even is one) practices religion or not.
    It could just be someone who noticed it, and said, "Wouldn't wanna get in trouble for that.."
  6. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
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    Yep, didn't they learn when Zelda had to be edited?
  7. V

    V Ancient
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    Wow this is gonna turn into a flame fest once Reyn gets unbanned.
    First off, I do believe a recall is necessary, and this is why: If any material worldwide is ethically offensive for any group/association/religion on such a scale as, say, offending the entire group of Islamic believers, then something should be done to get rid of it, not merely patch it up.
    But here's why most of us Americans (this may or may not be true for all of you) say "Who cares?"
    First off, Reyn, being the intellectual you are, you should know that the USA is not a predominantly Islamic country. That being said, it's hard for most of us to know what it is that is truly offending these people. Most of us didn't grow up with the same beliefs they grew up with. We don't have the same teachings that they do. These simple passages, to us, mean nothing out of context and naturally, we say "Who cares?". And I'm pretty sure Australia is not a predominately Islamic country and I'll make an educated guess that you don't follow these people's beliefs. So basically, to my knowledge, no one that's posted here, including you, Reyn, have no position to provide a truly understanding opinion.
  8. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    hey im listening 2 kuran musik

    im gona maek car boms
  9. Warlord Alpha

    Warlord Alpha Ancient
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    Lets recall Too Human aswell then, because it references Norse Mythology.


    While i will not say wether or not you are "defending" religion, you certainly do seem to be throwing mud at everyone and in every direction possible.

    I have one bit of advice to offer you, a piece of advice very few have seen to it that they have followed: Dont assume what you hear is majrity. In your 6th line of your post (Christians get to ban books, TV shows and movies all the time. They've probably banned games some time in history.) you mention thing like the burning of harry potter books for the "wizardy and ungodly forces" and other such things idiots have done to "protect" their religion. What you dont seem to understand is that very few people actually thing people who read harry potter are satanists. You want to know why it seems like all Christians hate it? Because they are so damn vocal! Playing clips of people throwing the books in a huge bonfire makes it seem that way, but do you know how many christians read and enjoy those books?

    For the one Islamic person who is offended, 200 more will be enjoying the game without caring about the minor reference.

    To be honest, its not even that big of a deal. Is it some major secret? No, to be honest, very few people could read that and if they could they would most likely not be offended because half of that is common sense anyways. Seriously, although in an "uncommon" way, it talks about death.

    Death, hmmm, thats offensive.
  10. RabidZergling

    RabidZergling Ancient
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    No, the person who reported it practiced religion. The person who initially reported it said something along the lines of "we muslims are deeply offended by...."

    Edit: Reynbow got banned? I was going to enjoy this argument :(
  11. Reynbow

    Reynbow Ancient
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    Don't care any more.
    But the lack of caring is what annoys me.

    I agree that it is one of the stupidest reasons to recall a game. I think it doesn't matter. But it's not my place to say if someone else is offended by something or not. How could I know if they were offended or not by this?

    If they truly are offended then it shouldn't be released on a worldwide scale just because we don't care or understand.

    Do you know what I mean now?
  12. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    Yes, the lack of caring is really annoying.
  13. xFr1ct10nx

    xFr1ct10nx Ancient
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    omg, me and mah friend was talkin about it the other day/making fun of it. he loves this game and its not out yet, so when he heard about this he was really pissed. i thought it was funny and make fun of him now for it(in like freindly way, not mean). lolz, i heard it is supposed to be really good... any thoughts?
  14. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    People talk about caring a lot, but action is never taken.
  15. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    This is a bit pathetic. From both sides. Why would you put qu'ran references in a game, and also, why do they then recall it? It'd make a cool easter egg. I guess it is a bit extreme for a children's game though. Another dose of fail from PS3.

    EDIT: Is that inappropriste use of 'fail' in the last sentence. If it is, I'll edit it out. No need for infractions, people. We can all get along!
    #35 EpicFishFingers, Oct 25, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2008

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