JJI PAINTBALL1.What is JJI Paintball? JJI Paintball is a competitive map using plasma pistols only. Players only have one life.Players MUST BE ON BLUE TEAM AND RED TEAM or the game will not work.The game has ten rounds. 2.What is the point of JJI Paintball? The point of JJI paintball is to have a competitive realistic paintball experience. 3.Tips for JJI Paintball.The spawn areas have twenty second spawns so after twenty seconds u will be trapped because doors spawn.If u get stuck use the mongoose located on the side to free yourself.Also when you are battling someone shoot in front of them to get a less difficult kill. 4.Rules.The JJI Paintball experience is best with 4-8 players.U MUST USE THE JJI GAMETYPE!! LETS GET TO THE PICTURES This is what the spawn looks like before the doors spawn. This is what it looks like after the doors spawn The middle of the map The Trenches And The Mapmaker Himself xVSxVENOMx Download JJI PAINTBALL Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details Download JJI Gametype Below Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
Looks pretty simple and decently worked on. The Mongoose idea is odd, is that to prevent people from trying to camp in their own spawn? If so, I recommend making the mongoose imovable, for people will try to use it ingame. Using Plasma Pistols is a new way of using Paintball, considering the green "paintballs" look kinda like Paintballs and splatter like them. Only thing is they travel slowly, making it difficult to fight. The map seems a little lopsided. From the pictures I see that the left side has a whole loadful of cover, whilst the right side has minimul cover. Paintball fields are symmetrical with each side having the exact same position and amount of cover as the other. 2/5.
the mongoose for this map is odd to me it should be immovable or ppl will just drive it around with someone on the back. The cover is favoured by the team on the left. These two things i said are the only problems other than paintball maps being over used but theres nothing wrong with that. Overall 3/5
umm if you interlocked the main floor why couldnt you interlock the spawns. and also what happens if your still in the spawn when the doors spawn?
The suggestion about making the mongoose imovable is interesting I never thougt of that.I will do definetely do that and it will probably inprove the gameplay
I need a partner for making maps because I get bored bymyself so if u are interested just message me thanx.