hey everyone its a metroid prime hunters map and its great for slayer for 4 people so try it out and its a great remake of mph combat hall so comment and rate please thank you http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=17622833 OVER VIEW 1 OVER VIEW 2 YELLOW BASE YELLOW GOING TO TUNNEL YELLOW TUNNEL WALL GLITCH TUNNEL WINDOW TUNNEL RED WINDOW RED BASE RED TUNNEL TOP RED
Re: Combat Hall Hey Zero, make sure the title of your map threads are the same as the map name, and not in all caps please. Thanks.
Re: COMBAT HALL A METROID REMAKE Welcome to Forge Hub, good sir. I see you are very new here, so I've got a welcoming gift for you. It will help you immensely in your future postings. How to post your maps We like to do things a little differently here (read: better) compared to the Bungie site, so I'd recommend cruising around the posts for a little while to get a feel for things. Most people here are pretty cool and will gladly help you out if you can't find the answers on your own.
Re: COMBAT HALL A METROID REMAKE If you wanna get people to download, get some screenies. I bet this well get locked if you dont.
Re: Combat Hall It won't be locked, there's no need to tell that to him or repeat what I've already said. Just give the man some time to get it fixed. Sheesh.
Re: Combat Hall It shouldn't be necessary for people to have to fix their posts. They should get it right the first time. All I can say right now, is that I've seen worse, so I'm less irate. But yeah, it would be great with correct formatting. I'm eager to see how this turned out.
Re: Combat Hall with pics added now Why exactly have you plastered those barrels full with weapon holders?
Re: Combat Hall cool, the metroid prime hunters level was the first thing I thought of when i read the thread title. Dl/ing to check it out
Re: Combat Hall Is this the one with the turret you can get into? That was the only map from that game that I played, and it was pretty cool.
Re: Combat Hall oh if u guys are wondering about the barrles its because there was a glitch in mph wher u can get on top of the bridge by jumping off the wall so i put it back in
Re: Combat Hall Great concept except could use some organizing. Interlocking would be cool. And why are the grav lists facingthe ground?
Re: Combat Hall Looks cool! Definitely better than the Combat Hall remake I saw a few weeks ago (it sucked, big time, poor alignment and sloppy designing). Queued!
Re: Combat Hall the reason the grav lifts are facing down its for they can boost u through the alt form tunnel so it doesnt take forever