DEVASTATION This map was made to try and resemble a futuristic city. The map consist of tall sniping towers, to indoor close combat. The best game variant for this is 'Desinent Duel'. The map is best played with 4-6 players. All players start with a battle rifle. Find your way through the city the eliminate the threats. First player to 25 points wins the game. Map Download: Game Variant Download: Weapons on Map: Battle Rifle Sniper Rifle Shotgun Energy Sword Brute Spiker Needler Plasma Rifle Carbine SCREENSHOTS _______________________________________________________________ An overview screen shot of the map. One sniper tower, in the corner. The side courtyard. A second sniping tower. A horrible shot from the sniper tower. A back hallway. A shot of the main courtyard. Another shot of the courtyard.
this maps design looks very good, with the high and low ground and what not, but obviously there need to be some bumps smoothed out, fix that and the map could have some good potential
Looks pretty decent, the interlocking is decent, but unimpressive, and the rest of the map looks a little sloppy and not too much work put into it. Overall it looks like a nice idea, but poorly put out, 3/5.
Looks like there is some potential, but I am still trying to figure out the name. Is the name devastation or devatation? Your thread title is posted as Devatation, but here you posted it as Devastation.
I like the idea of a future city. Its nice that you used some interlocking as well. you might want to check out the forging 101 section to learn cool techniques like geomerging and stuff. If you made a v2 of this with all of the bumps smoothed over it could be epic