I don't have a whole lot to say, but having spent months dwelling around the Competitive Maps Forum (Which this guide is based), I have seen a few qualities that really separate the good forgers from the great forgers. 1. Whenever you have an open box, standing normally, that is intended for someone to go through, it is generally advised to geomerge it one door length to remove the bottom. When the bottom is removed, the floor is perfectly smooth, and the map looks cleaner. 2. Creative structures define a map. A large majority of maps have a "sniper tower," or at least one tower to stand out from the rest. Use unique lift ideas, have multiple ways up, and do not rush ideas. A power weapon tower should represent the map's creativity. 3. Asymmetric maps should play symmetrically. Basically, you should be able to play TS or Multi Flag evenly, without one side dominating, even on asymmetric maps. Most maps are asymmetric, due to most forgers being incapable of replicating a side, which is fine, but make the gameplay symmetrical. Otherwise, you're down to only One Flag, One Bomb, One VIP and some Territories. Very limited. 4. Isolate gameplay problems during tests, one at a time. If there is a problem with gameplay, don't just pick something at random to change. Go over the films. Is it a spawning problem? Are the weapons unbalanced? Does the interlocking have some fatal flaw or point that players can take advantage of? Is there one central choke point the entire game played around? Now, find the one problem and fix that one ONLY. Then test, and repeat, until you are satisfied. It is recommended to only fix one problem at a time, because if you picked the wrong thing to fix, and you basically redid your entire map, you're screwed. 5. Use this as a general rule of thumb. Are you in the mood to forge? Decide by saying if you'd be able to put up with geomerging a difficult item at an angle. If the answer is no, wait until later. If you go into forge feeling impatient, you may rush your project. I hope my tips were helpful; I tried to only use my own, and not ones that were already stated elsewhere.
Very helpful, a lot of the guys that make the competitive maps are really good at Forge, but they could be great. Hope they read this.