Video by Allseeing Entity Sung by Time Glitch Dragoncoals is part of this too. It's advertising for, but it's just so epic, I had to share xD
are you f*kin serious? "Maybe you'll get farcryhub to help you....OR WE CAN HELP YOU..." **** win
I doubt i will ever get Farcry 2 Noone was around i guess for Farcry 1, It was a wreck, worse game i have ever played, the only reason people will waste 60 bucks on it is to have a map editor that beats forge...but then what? They spend hour upon hour making a sick ass map and noone will play it for the gameplay on farcry sucks. Owell. thats just MO
How long ago was Far Cry 1 Made? OHHH YES, about 4 years ago. Hmm alot of things change in 4 years, gameplay and number of gamers.
Ok I just want to say that the only reason I used Far Cry Hub was because it fit so perfectly with the lyrics. I have nothing against Far Cry Hub, and neither does Far Cry Creations. I'm sorry if there was some misunderstanding there =)
Lets see how long this "Farcry 2" popularity will last then shall we? I give it 4 months, tops. and No U ^
Lets see how long this Halo 3 popularity will last. I give it 4 months, tops. Maybe longer with the release of the Mythic map pack. I probably wont get Halo 3: Recon either, because by that time, why will I give a ****? Also, Time Glitch, this is truly epic. And for those saying '**** farcrycreations' and 'farcrycreations, fail' I don't see why there has to be a feud... Creating one was immature in the first place. Those still fueling it are worse.
Wow, I totally don't understand why everyone hates this site so much. What is the problem here? You can't handle having more than 1 Far Cry 2 map website out there? Are you really that close minded? And seriously what's the big deal? If anything, this means you can post your map on 2 sites and get TWICE the exposure. I have NEVER understood this stupid obsession the one-website only theory. Its not like FarCry Creations is out to put Far Cry Hub out of business...They're just trying to start their own community and grow like any other website. I do NOT see why everyones getting so uptight. If you people can't understand that then you're way too immature for the real world. It's no skin off your bones if this website does well or not. It's not like you're loosing money or something. Seriously, grow up a little.
oooh, burn. im tired of halo tracks being little babies about everything. (theyre insecure because they like racing and not competative stuff) sorry, but they are always immature. always. good song. pie.
I wanna trow my two cents around here. First of all, everyone is Hyping up Farcry Waaaaay to much, it seems like a decent game and all, mainly because of its map editor, Which i admit, is pretty awesome looking, but because its so awesome looking, every map out there is gonna look beautiful no matter what, making all maps seem similar no matter what. Im preety sure there will be a few awe inspireing maps out there, but the common maps will be similar in many ways. My beef with Farcrycreations isnt some "Uuuh, Farcryhub is better zomg" kinda thing, Heck, I barely found out we were making that transition about a week ago. What I despise about Farcrycreations is that the site is super cluttered with nonsence, there is so much unorganised junk everywere, Staff seem a bit douchey from what I have seen first hand, and most of the members there are people that were outkasts from FH or were banned. Thats just me saying from what I have seen personally. The site is freaking laggy as hell as well. Now about Jimbo's Halo 3 "remark", this might make me sound Halo fanboyish, but Halo has been out for what, 7 years or something? People always, and I mean ALWAYS complain about the maps or the campaing, or every little thing in between, but in the end, everyone just keeps comming back for more, amiright, or amiright? Just remember when you are playing Farcry 2 in the comming weeks, that it was made by Ubisoft, so have fun playing with your little random glitches here and there. O/ /end disgruntled employee rant