Effective Spawn Placement

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by TrueDarkFusion, Dec 1, 2007.

  1. Gravedigger5454

    Gravedigger5454 Ancient
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    PlayPong-Attacker/Defender spawns and spawn areas do not affect FFA games, only neutral spawn are used in FFA.

    Cardo-The spawn area can be as big as you want, players can spawn only at the spawn points in it, not anywhere in it.
  2. Shock Theta

    Shock Theta Father of 4chub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    From what I've seen when I made Ball Pit, the spawn point chosen isn't necessarily random. I played many test games with 3/4 people where it always chose a handful of spawns for each player which they spawned at exclusively throughout the game.. to this day I have no idea why this happened. With 2 players it spawned at one, then another, and then repeated the sequence.
  3. MasterWizard

    MasterWizard Ancient
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    Question about the "starting point" spawns. When I was trying to figure out how to set up my spawns, I looked at several of Bungie's maps to see how they did it, and pretty much every map I checked only has 1 starting point for each team. That starting point is placed near a bunch of regular neutral spawn points. What appears to happen is, at the start of the game, one guy starts in the actual starting point, and everybody else on the team starts at the nearest regular neutral spawns. So, I'm just wondering why do you guys recommend using up to 16 starting points? I guess if you want the teams to start in a particular area, but never respawn there again, then that would make sense. But isn't it unnecessary to use so many starting points if you have regular neutral spawns all over the place?
  4. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    The suggestion deals with FFA, b/c you need starting spawns for that, but for an only team based map then no all you need is one starting spawn for each team.
  5. Glimflicker

    Glimflicker Ancient
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    I don't believe that all 16 starting points are necessary for FFA. From my experimentation, any team assignments for starting areas and respawn points are ignored in FFA gametypes. If there aren't enough start points for all the players, the respawn points are chosen from randomly to determine each player's start point. With only 16 respawn points and 0 start points in a 16 player game, all players started on respawn points for me.

    They are still helpful if you want the players to spawn in areas other than the respawn points.
  6. Ray Benefield

    Ray Benefield Godly Perfection
    Forge Critic

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    I do not recommend 16 starting points... I recommend atleast 16 spawn points (regular or starting). I use starting points to place a team together in one spot, without flooding that particular spot with neutral regular spawns. If I were to just use 1 starting spawn point in one spot and many neutral spawns, then there would be many neutral spawns for FFA too close to each other. Keep your regular spawn points as spread out as possible if you are planning for FFA and Team Slayer. If you want your team to spawn in one area either rely on the regular spawn points in that area, or place starting points if you don't have enough already placed spawn points there. ALWAYS PLACE REGULAR NEUTRAL SPAWNS FIRST!!!
  7. Legacy

    Legacy Ancient
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    So if you make an objective game, with respawn areas covering base spawns, do you then not need to set spawn points to attackers and defenders if the respawn area is attack/defence?
  8. MasterWizard

    MasterWizard Ancient
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    I believe you are correct. Thats how Bungie set up all thier maps, and thats how I set up my map. Just a bunch of neutral spawns everywhere, but surrounded by team designated respawn areas.
  9. Ray Benefield

    Ray Benefield Godly Perfection
    Forge Critic

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    Yes you are correct... that is how all maps should be built instinctively. Neutral regular spawns, and team-based starting spawns/respawn areas.
  10. Legacy

    Legacy Ancient
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    Ok thanks, it's all pretty confusing.
    I'd better edit my latest map to sort spawns out.
  11. AfenixIwolfR

    AfenixIwolfR Ancient
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    Hi, I'm new to forgehub, and also new to forging. I just made this map and I only have 10 starting respawns, 5 at each base, and one respawn area near it. The ones at each base has their own thing (the 5 startings and one respawn area is a defence or offence), but somethines when I die I end up in the other person's base, or off in the battle area. I checked and it said I didn't have any other spawning things anywhere. I need help please.
  12. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    First thing you need to do is go through ALL of the gametypes in Forge and make sure there are no starting spawns or respawn points anywhere outside of your map's play area. That is the most likely reason you're respawning outside of your map. The next thing you should do is read this thread in detail and redesign your respawn and starting point layout and then add some respawn areas. Good luck, sir!
  13. AfenixIwolfR

    AfenixIwolfR Ancient
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    Thank you for the information, but when I did that I didn't found anything in all of the other gametypes I used.

    If an enemy is near your only respawn point, will you respawn at an area you didn't assign, but that map has just in case stuff like that happens?
  14. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Yes, Bungie has built in 'emergency' spawn points as a last resort so you won't break your map. They do it with the objective points too; there will always be enough objectives to make any gametype playable.
    If you only have one respawn point in your map (do you mean area? The points are the blue circles with the points on them; areas are different) and you've just been killed in that area surrounding that point, you will spawn in one of the emergency spots, and that could be out of the map. You should definitely have lots and lots of respawn points, though. You can never have too many.
    Spawning in Forge mode is different than in regular gameplay mode, however. I've spawned outside of maps in Foundry that I've reviewed all the time. Just restart the round and that should put you in the map. Hope that helps.
  15. AfenixIwolfR

    AfenixIwolfR Ancient
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    Thanks! I changed some respawns things and now the problem is fixed. I might post up the map once I get some pictures and one video.
  16. SwordScar

    SwordScar Ancient
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    one thing i wanted to know, how does a spawn area work exactly, i know it gives priority, but if an enemy is within it, will allies still spawn inside?
  17. Unleash Mayhem

    Unleash Mayhem Ancient
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    No, it will go to the next highest priority spawn area.

    A quick question, is there anyway to make sure where a teams VIP will spawn? This is almost certainly going to be used in a 1 sided-game but I will accept anything that lets me choose where my vip will spawn.
  18. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    No, the VIP is chosen at random and will generally spawn that way, too. That's why there aren't any starting points for VIP. I don't know why Bungie chose to set it up that way, but I guess they have their reasons...
  19. Unleash Mayhem

    Unleash Mayhem Ancient
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    Thats frustrating, I'll have to set my map up another way...
    Back on topic:
    Sorry to be annoying but I have to put in that the emergency spawn points can't be seen but objective ones, if you delete them all off your map and then save and reload they will all be back, movable and everything.
  20. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    You're absolutely right, Bungie won't allow you to make any of their default gametypes unplayable. There will always be at least one objective point for each gametype, so make sure you have them moved out of your way when Forging.

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