Do you like me feel that 95% of FORGEHUB members are obssesd whit interlocking and forget to put a decent concept on a map?? cause i see that people only judge by the pics not after they test the map. :frustrated: :frustrated:
Yes Interlocking is important!!! It makes the map make so much better and it makes more posibilities!
This is very true, and soon everyone will see that there are being measures created to help stop the people that judge solely on pics. As far as Interlocking being overrated? Well, I can't say it is honestly. While it is not an imperative skill to use when creating a map, it really improves pretty much any map ten fold. Just think about that bumpy and jumpy map that you may have played on in the past that would have been so epic had you not stubbed your toe every 15 feet. That is the glory of interlocking. Not to mention it helps eliminate that annoying thing that happens when you toss a grenade and it gets pinned under a box or between 2 walls or whatever.
This should provide you a satisfying read - The Forgehub Status Quo As far as interlocking being overated; I completely disagree. It allows so much more creativity in your creation.
I agree with Linu. Something like Interlocking isn't bad when it's overrated, indeed, it makes a map way more better and can come in hany when you don't have space left.
I think it allows amazing structures to come to life. While I think that super hyper complicated interlocking is not needed for every map, basic interlocking to make the map smoother and what not is not overrated.
I like to interlock but i know it is not a requirement--i really think forgehub needs a reform in the way people review maps cause i really think 95% of the members are only seduced by conceptless interlocked maps--forgehub should demand at least one trial game before reviewing a map because pics can be seducing at times and can attract any hungry eyes-- but concept is lacking a lot in most of the maps i have seen lately.
So you may only post on a map if you've played it? That would effectively kill the map section. While yes, it would only leave real comments but the forum would become painfully inactive.
you can spend ages trapped inside foundry getting your boxes perfectly locked and merged but if your core idea is weak and does not offer varied gameplay then your map will be poor period
Judging a book by the cover. Well that's the way it was destyned to work-- you test and then post a review-- other than that it's just like judging a book by its cover don't you think??
Sort of. But do you realise how dead that would make the forums. People's maps would sink to the bottom without even getting one comment. Yes, it is important that you play it to get a good idea of the map but if it weren't for people posting their initial thoughts and concerns the map forums would be an empty wasteland. And, not everyone can easily get on, play a few games and return with an essay of a review. It takes a lot of time. If people want to post their opinions on the map without playing, that's fine. As long as they don't say a word on how it plays as they don't know that.
Lawl wut? Anyways, interlocking isn't overrated at all. It's actually needed to further your creativity - like Linu said. If you want to make a half-ass POS map that looks ugly and plays terrible, be my guest.
I think that you are both right. We encourage people to do AT LEAST a Forge through before posting any comments on maps. However, I also believe that you can post your opinion on a map if you haven't done a forge through as long as you post constructively. If you were to post the dreaded "5/5 needz moar interlockingz" then you aren't posting in a correct manner. If you have questions and opinions on the appearance of the map and the content of the original post, such as weapon sets or supported gametypes, then I believe it is acceptable to do so.
I wouldnt say so. There is currently an enormous spam crackdown. Nearly all posts that are spam and unbenefitial are being deleted and in some cases the poster is infracted.
Well i'm new here and my first map is called "rich & poor" and i was expecting reviews in a day or tow but to my surprise reviews and votings on the poll came less than 4 minutes after posting-- needless to say those guys haden't even queud the map-- so all i got was some very poor reviews and people voting on the 4 options of the poll as a joke-- i'd rather have no posts or votings on the poll.
I'm not american sorry--i'm dominican and i live in my country i do my best whit english--but that's right interlocking is being overrated.
No it's not; it makes maps way more better. Actually, I think a concept and interlocking are interdependent You need both not one or the other.
but don't you agree that in most of the maps you see lately they just offer 70% random interlocking and don't follow any concept at all?-- the other 30% its equipment, weapons, spawns, gametype modifications, scenery etc. To me it should be the other way arround 30% inter.--70% everything else.