Siclops v2.4

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by stin10, Oct 18, 2008.


what would you rate map. 1 being bad, 5 being good

  1. 1

    1 vote(s)
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    9 vote(s)
  6. feature worthy?

    4 vote(s)
  1. stin10

    stin10 Ancient
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    If you are looking at this, then you have discovered my newest map, SICLOPS V2.4.
    It is a small enclosed map, and took 30 + hours to make. You are fighting in a missile silo. There is the main silo with the missile in the middle, and a corridor tunnel connecting two of the tunnels leading to the silo. The pictures will explain better.
    Recommended players, 2-6
    Supported game types; slayer, koth, oddball, territories.
    Suggested game types
    Slayer, with no radar
    Koth, with no radar
    Territories, no radar, short capture time, lock after capture off, it’s very intense when there’s no teams.

    The weapons are,
    4 brs
    2 smgs
    1 invisibility
    A flare
    A regenerator
    2 plasma grenades
    6 frag grenades
    Also, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND TURNING OFF RADAR FOR ALL GAMETYPES. It makes the gaming experience much more enjoyable. Ok pictures, and DL links at bottom.

    Main silo with missile in middle. Notice the 3 connecting tunnels.

    Same area as above, different point of view.

    The place behind that last spot, notice how all the double boxes are vertically interlocked, that took a while

    Below the first two pictures, in the main silo, at the bottom of the missile.
    The regenerator is right there, and the fence walls help you get up.

    The bottom tunnel, notice the slanted walls, all 3 tunnels are like that.

    The corridor in the background of the above picture, the smgs are at the top of it.

    The same corridor from the other side, just go down and to the left, and you’re at the picture before this one.

    . [​IMG]
    A closer look at the back part of the main silo. The two plasma grenades spawn in the middle.

    Ok, well that’s it, please rate and download, speaking of which, here’s the download link.

    and, as i said above, i suggest taking off radar for all gametypes
  2. Resix

    Resix Ancient
    Senior Member

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    hmm looks pretty good the inter locking is very good from what i can see im gonna dl and see how gamepplay is ill get back to you with that after im done playing it

    Edit: Ok i played with my firends and although the map is very aesthetically pleaing there were one too many spawn kills and the map is just too small to have a reallly good game on.
    #2 Resix, Oct 18, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2008
  3. Da Pig

    Da Pig Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I saw this map in the teaser thread and I thought it was so cool. The map has a really cool look, shapy and like an octagon. I like the tunnels too, they look very good and matches with the rest of the map. I will download this and rate it 5/5
  4. stin10

    stin10 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i want to say thanks to the few comments above, i wish i got more, but what are you gonna do. i'm very plesed that everyone enjoys my map, and i am now encouraged to finish v3
  5. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    ^Lol. That wasn't a bump. It looks pretty good stin. It kind of looks like that sewer system from crows nest. What gave you the inspiration? It seems like it'd be fun with shotguns, or plasma pistols with no shields. I that's what me and my friends used to play on ivory tower with CTF.
  6. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    I, too, saw the teaser thread. I'm glad I did because the name stayed in my mind, so when I saw it, I was like where did I see that? So, here I am.

    The map looks amazing. Great interlocking. The missile looks really cool. And those tunnels look awesome. I also like the fence walls at the bottom, that was a good idea. The back part of the main silo also looks cool. Everything seems to go together. d/l
  7. sexy dude

    sexy dude Ancient
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    I can recall this, when you had only put the tunnels in, you must have put so muchu work in to this, really glad i saw it get posted.
  8. Feuersturm

    Feuersturm Ancient
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    Wow the map is absolutely beautiful but there's one thing. Its incredibly small. Me and my guest checked it and and we ran into each other every 5 seconds. I respect the aesthetics but the map doesn't seem worth 30+ hours to me. Of course, my maps don't look half as nice as this and I probably shouldn't be talking but still I give your map 5/5 for asthetics and 2/5 for gameplay.
  9. stin10

    stin10 Ancient
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    why bump when under newest maps? and my inspiration was the tunnel from reflex. i wanted to make something like that.

    did you turn off radars as i suggested
  10. FlipStik

    FlipStik Ancient
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    Wow, definately a great job! I wouldn't say this is worth a feature, but it's pretty close. The Interlocking is incredible, and the curved wall tunnels are pretty cool. The idea of fighting in a missile silo is very unique, however it's odd that the missile is square (New Russian technology? Lol) 5/6 (the 6th one is the feature), 5/5 for stars, great job!
  11. sourdauer

    sourdauer Ancient
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    cool concept, i was thinking about making a map similar to it, but i never got around to it. on the + side, i dont have to make it now, because you DID! :D. i like the interlocking, it looked like you spent a while on it. 4.5/5
  12. stin10

    stin10 Ancient
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    well as it said in the post, i used 30 + hours on it. so ya, it took a while
  13. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
    Senior Member

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    having not gone through this due to lack of xbox, from the pics it seems to be the spiritual succsesor to caverns. which failed to live up to your expectations
    very good interlocking, nice neat and great vertical locking too
    proly could make the missle a little more bitchin, tho
    in the bottom missle room, teh fence wall ramps, might make it to clauster phobic and the high ground will keep a huge advangtage, which may give it a kinda sucky area to go into
    good job, cant wait for v3, might be beack by then to throw my suggestions into the mix

    JASONYO Ancient
    Senior Member

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    y'd u put ur signature in the post
  15. stin10

    stin10 Ancient
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    on topic please
  16. Stratigon13

    Stratigon13 Ancient
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    first off good map. it has a unique feel has magnificent interlocks and is very well forged. The idea is original and gameplay seems descent. Now getting to the nit picky stuff it is rather small but that would work fairly well with out radar. The bottom of the silo seems kinda like a death trap you might want to award them with more than just a regen. youve got my dl and also the slanted bridge wall thing is awesome.
  17. stin10

    stin10 Ancient
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    wow, i think your the first person to realize this map is supposed to be played without radar, thanks. and the bottom isn't really a death trap. there is no real shot from above, and you can quickly jump into one of the tunnels, or other thingy
  18. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
    Senior Member

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    still have yet to play it.... wating till tomorow
    stin, mabey instead of quazimotodriple posting, w8 until a few q's have arived to answer them
    when i give it a forgethrough i will come back with a better review
  19. Lance001

    Lance001 Ancient
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    Mm...I can already feel the delicious sense of claustrophobia setting in...

    So, yeah, I really like the design of this map. The interlocking looks to be flawless, the tight corridors, nauseatingly terrifying...this could be a great map to play late at night, definitely radars off, and woe to the poor soul you catch camping in the tunnels.

    Well done, mate.
  20. xFr1ct10nx

    xFr1ct10nx Ancient
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    im glad to see u finished and posted the map. i remeber seeing the pics on the Preview thread, and i was amazed with just this one pic. it reminds me alot like the death star kinda. the idea of the missle is pretty original and you did goodz workz on ur interloxz. ima dload and get back to u, it seems fun and very CQB. meh likkeh so far, 4/5

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