Creek bed

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by corey0x0, Oct 18, 2008.

  1. corey0x0

    corey0x0 Ancient
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    Creek Bed
    discription- An old creek used by early spartans to hone their skills--made by corey0x0 and xsv nick--enjoy

    This map is great for 1v1-6v6. You can play with a full party if you want way more action! On this map u can play
    • MLG
    • Capture the Flag (team recomended)
    • King of the Hill (team recomended)
    • Team MLG

    you can play all the basic gametypes of the ones list that bungie made in your gametypes.

    I gave the choise of having rockets on this map. If u want rockets shoot the fusion coils here are pics to show how

    here are some pics of map
    action shots!

    downlaod here
    Creek bed

    please rate,comment, and download.​
  2. Feuersturm

    Feuersturm Ancient
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    I like the layout. Very fun to look at and play on. Only one problem though.
    1. There aren't many ways to get from the "creek bed" to the "banks"
    Oh and just so you know dumpsters don't need to be held down by anything. You'd need a vehicle to move them so they're considered immovable. Also, fusion coils and gravity lifts aren't allowed in MLG.
  3. FlipStik

    FlipStik Ancient
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    Looks pretty cool and such, but the rocket thing is (as Feuersturm said) unallowed, therefore this map is not up to MLG standards. You're going to need to fix that, and the creek looks pretty difficult to escape, making it complicated for gamers to have fun, if you go in the creek, it's quite unlikely you'll escape just as fast. It was a nice job, though, with some great interlocking. 3/5.
  4. The Sock Man

    The Sock Man Ancient
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    You don't have to hold down dumpsters? Hmm...

    On to the map. The interlocking on the map looks very nice, my only criticisms are the creek and how overall confusing it seems to me. I think the rockets are also pushing it a bit, it's a pretty close map for someone to be running around with a can of instant-kill.
  5. halomastre

    halomastre Ancient
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    it doesn't look like a MLG map.

    about your layout:
    plz make your text smaller
    plz make a space between pictures to help tell them apart
  6. iTz Longshot

    iTz Longshot Ancient
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    pretty nice map. i liek the lay out, also commented by Feuersturm. Im still confused with how shooting fusion ciols sets off a grav. lift moving the rockets. if it works out that would be a good idea, but as otehrs had said you cant have that in MLG maps. Maybe put what wepons are on the map and tell somemore maybe? well good job though.
  7. sgt n00b34

    sgt n00b34 Ancient
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    Would people plz be quiet about the MLG Rules stuff. He is just saying that it plays well with MLG Gametypes!!!
  8. Resix

    Resix Ancient
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    although this is by no measns an "MLG" map because of the design. It looks like it might play good wit hMLG settings so ill give you that. If this was posted in the competetive maps section it would be getting a lot more attention. But anyways good job on the map

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