INTRO: I know, long title, but i am starting up a class for learning how to get better at halo, we will cover topics such as "when to pick up weapons" How to use Team-Tactics" and eventually stuff like "No-Scoping 101" all registrants start as a beginner. (since this is recomended for Seargant and below, but everyone is accepted) we will have meetings every night at 8PM EST (GMT-5) and will will end 1 hour later. GRADING every wensday and friday i will test what i have taught, to do this, the students will go into a matchmaking game, i will play, but afterwards i will leave and watch the video from eatch students perspective, and you will be scored on how many times you killed with these tactics out of how many times you got killed EXAMPLE: lets say you got 4 kills and were killed 5 times, it would be a 4/5 and an 80%, thus a C REGISTRATION to register, just fill this out: First Name (real, so i can call you by name) Gamertag E-Mail Why do you want to join? how many times will you be able to come a week? Would you like your grades posted here or PMed to you? TIMES classes are every day at 8PM EST Saterdays are optional Reveiws. Also, if you can be on around 6:30 AM on all days, i will help those who need it. MEMBERS MGC SRGT Zack (my brother who needs it) Thanx for reading my wall-o-text
School, on Halo? And you're the teacher? Im sorry but I dont beleive that anyone is actually gonna take this into consideration. You're a Commander with a highest skill of 35. It would be more credible if you wee like a General g5 or something.
I know a good way of getting better at halo. Just get a sniper and go on Guardian then shoot the birds with scoping and no scoping. Helps a lot I tell ya.
Hahah, yea. It's a good idea, but someone with your credentials honestly shouldn't be considered a good teacher to get better. Reading this, Get Better Fast: Halo 3 Archive | Major League Gaming, will honestly teach you most of the stuff you need to know to get you better.
oh wow, did not know about that, and im a liutenent grade 2 just beacause im not a matchmaking junkie
do you expect me to be some interweb guru? i just want to help people learn halo cause im tired of having to deal with noobs on MM who pick up power weapons (sniper) and get killed (miserably) and now the other team has a sniper
Teacher i got to take a **** but WHERE IS THE BATHROOM WHEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! ..................................................................................................................... to late
To be perfectly honest, there is no definitive way to teach anyone to be better at halo, to improve skill, or to make someone good if they're bad. People are what they are, and everyone plays in different styles; and your style will probably be entirely different to someone else's, and that's fine, but the problem comes when you teach them a conflicting style. It's a good idea, but tbh it probably won't work; people just take it as you patronising them, and sadly, it is because of your lower grade than other people here.
Well first of all, stop flaming this kid! He is just trying help out. Its ridiculous because this kid is trying to lend out his services and you are just flat out flaming him. Just back off and chill, k? Second of all, this is for you Dragon. I believe that this a great idea. Unfortunately, I don't believe that you can teach people how to play Halo unless its there first time playing. Halo you learn by skill and experience, not by being taught. And only being a commander does not help... I would recommend if you were going to do something like this, first level up. Second, get some "classes" down before you bring it up here. And third,...... well I don't really have a third.
I think this threads already been me. Threads here No offense, and this is my opinion, but I think mines much more thought out and organized. And I'm not a commander =p.