I have collected some of my best Pictures. I would like for you guys to look at them, rate them 1-10, and comment on them. Also as you may see, I have a different style of taking Pictures, they do not have crazy effects, rather they have good angles. I hope you enjoy looking at my Gallery! CHIEF UNSTOPPBLE SNIPEDOWN EYE CANDY Thank you for looking at this Gallery, comment rate and appriciate!
Eye candy is great. I love how the yellow pops out of the screen. The first one is also insane. At first I thought he was holding a flare or somethings, but now I see it is a AR. The middle one just doesn't excite me. It look bad in my opinion. Is it supposed to look blocky?
Unstoppable is the best in my opinion. But they are all good, except for Snipe Down. It's kind of boring.
Other than unstoppable, I really like your pics. For once we don't just have "who can have the craziest effect" and instead just have some simple, yet very cool pics. I really like chief and eye candy. Great job!
Eye candy is a 10/5! It is epic! everysthing is perfect in there! The first one is 4/5 because of too much light on the helmet. Second one: You can hardly see anything. 3.8/5 Snipedown: Interesting... 3.9/5 Oh, and by the way, I wanna download eye candy. U haz link?