Hi, I need some help with my new map. The map is going to have a few bases with bridges (but i don't want to get into detail). Now I was wondering if anyone knew or has any techniques on building bridges? If so reply here or send me a FR on XBL: xCoreGamerx I would prefer XBL so you could show me but posting here would be fine.
im not a pro forger but i usally use 2 4 ect bridgesmake these rounded walls by interlocking and walla i get a bridge thats concealed
I mean like some sort of narrow bridge (there will be 2) to get to another side of the map or another base.
GT: LI I III II I You can send me a message i'll be going on soon. I will have to see what you want before i explain, and i dont forge much but i've been around here for a while and seen epic maps come and go so i should be able to help with whatever you need.
Let's say the base is one single box high. Wherever you want the bridge to start, place a sideways single box, and a fence wall or bridge on top. They will be level, because one sideways box and a fence wall or bridge = one regular single box.