
Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by szafranko, Oct 16, 2008.

  1. szafranko

    szafranko Ancient
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    first off i hope no one else did this i put alot of effort into this post XD lol

    Well i have been thinking of making an AUTHENTIC paintball map. this involves the starting pit. an area for people who are hit and out but can still watch the game. diffrent levels of the stage. for those who paintball and know the areas. the from top to bottom it looks like this:

    ------------------starting pit-------------------
    ---cover fire post--------------cover fire post---
    ---------atk bunker----------atk bunker--------
    -----------------50/death pit-------------------
    ---------atk bunker----------atk bunker---------
    ---cover fire post---------------cover fire post---
    ------------------starting pit---------------------

    THIS IS AN APPROX EVERY LINE IS 5 Yrds approx i know im off .. but w.e
    ok to explain. what positions do what and are for what.

    flag- optional

    Cover fire post - defenders. these guys dont move they stay back and stop people from getting the flag, and if not a ctf then just shoot from far away randomly so that the attackers can move up

    mid man - these guys are fillers. if they go there they have a choice. move up and become an attacker. or fall back and defend. they can either take dead peoples place. or just do what ever they feel like

    attack bunker - these are the front lines where most of the action happen. this isn't heavily defended. infact their usually just a block or a blob or somthing with little cover. this is where most people get out. once the fire from these bunkers has passed the attackers tehre can move up to get the flag. or finish off remaining team members

    50 also known as the death pit - the reason why it's called the 50 is because you think of a paintball feild like a baseball feild.. but in reverse?.. i think. this is the center of the map in yards:
    starting -----------0 yrds
    cover post --------10 yrds
    mid man --------- 20-30 yrds
    attack bunker ----- 40 yrds
    50/death pit -------50 yrds
    attack bunker ----- 40 yrds
    mid man --------- 20-30 yrds
    cover post -------- 10 yrds
    starting ------------ 0 yrds
    anyways. the reason why they call it the death pit is because it's the most obvious spot. but you have to pass this spot in order to advance it's least tactical and to get past you have to run through/around/over it.

    side note : people often yell out where people are located so they can tell their team mates. so people yell 50! because it's faster then death pit.

    so thats that. for weapons i was thinking carbine. because it's 1 shot. goes only as fast as you can shoot. and we can make it 1 hit kill. so when sum1 dies the respawn is in a cage above the map so they can watch until the game is over. which is probably why we will need a ctf type of game.

    SO the reason why i am posting this.. as an idea is because i want to work on it with someone who also plays paintball. because i know arenas are diffrent and i want a variety of posts that are origonal and unique for this game. somting that just screams paintball. soo MSG me on here. or add my GT. send me a msg on xbl and we'll see what we can do.

    BTW my GT is : szafranko

    thanks for reading :)

    PS. while im posting. if no one wants to make a paintball map. im also looking for anyong OVER the age of 14 who wants to just make random things and goof off in forge. make bases. mazes. just random things without a point. unless we come across somting kick arse :D
  2. lucas pk

    lucas pk Ancient
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    i think this is a great idea about time someone made this i like to play paintball when i get a chance but utherwise looks cool
  3. fornozo

    fornozo Ancient
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    I can try to help but my internet for my Xbox is down ATM but i think that we will fix it tommorow , so send me an FR and i will see what i can do. Also i don't play paintball so we will probably only do the "random" things.
  4. Dyepb07

    Dyepb07 Ancient
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    I have had many authentic paintball maps on my fileshare, they come and go. I will be putting 2 new ones on there tomorrow and posting one hopefully. Um yea they're formated very officially and play very well.
  5. blanman

    blanman Ancient
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    I've actually made a paintball map before. It has all the features you mentioned, but, the deadbox is kind of lame. A lot of people didn't know what it was, and I think its better to just put the lives to 1 per round. The best gun that replicates a true paintball marker is the plasma pistol, but the problem I had was that because of their rate of travel, sometimes two players would kill each other at the same time, and everyone would go to the deadbox, so just stick with the 1 life rule.
    Also, when its on the CTF gametype, players rush for the flag and die, so I just play with Elimination settings.

    I would love to forge with you sometime though. GT is the same as the name.
  6. szafranko

    szafranko Ancient
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