Wu, your gonna have to explain that to me. I see no reason to make humans heavy, howthefudge will they be able to jump the torpedos if they can't jump at all? Also, what would the fusion coils do? They just blow up. Thats only going to make things harder for the humans, who have it too hard on them already! Wu, ttry to explain.
MetalDog, your comment=spam=not good. Thanks for the complement though. And thanks forger. Do either of you have any complaints or problems?
The map looks great, but I have a few suggestions on how you can improve this map. First off, it is possible to cheat. Although they are on instant respawn, you can destroy the grav lift and then get behind the man-cannon before a new one spawns. To fix this, all you have to do is add delete the grav lifts and replace them with man-cannons. Secondly, the propane tanks sometimes blow eachother up. I would recommend placing another shield door to shield the other explosives. Finally, I think you should have put the propane tanks on instant respawn, or add an extra propane tank. Other than that, this is a fairly good map. 4/5
warfang, did you play the map? Because, firstly, the grav-lifts hardly ever blow up. The propane tanks don't reach far enough to damage them. Humans spawn with plasma pistols, and can't blow them up by shooting them. And, even if they do get destroyed, the mancannon pushes players back before they can get behind the grav lifts. Also, you cannot even get behind the gravlifts, as they are right up on the wall. Unless you have proof to show that there really is a problem, I don't believe you. Secondly, the propane tanks rarely ever blow the others up. It happens occasionally, but not often. Even when they do, it is rarely a problem. Putting the tanks on instant respawn is also not a good idea. I had it setup like that in the first matches of testing, and it didnt work out so well. The tanks all start blowing eachother up continuously throughout the rest of the game. So that does't work. Also, another tank is not needed, 4 is enough to allow for a fair game. So, I'm doubting you actually played, but you still left great feedback. It's better than some of theese others.
are you ever going to make a v.2. this idea has a lot of potential. u should add a way for either the humans to see the zombies or a way the humans can protect themselves.
Hm... I can't believe somebody actually posted on this again! Lol. Well to answer your question, theres a V2 in the works. That is, once I get my xbox back.
who brought this old topic back up? Whoever did should be shot. Anywho, love the map, love the gameplay, love you.
This is a very unike idea. It looks like anybody could have fun with this one. 5/5 Also, good job with the interlocking.
THanks man. Wait, are you trying to say something else? Or does it mean unique? And not just anyone, but everyone!
i think u should make a bigger jumping space for the jumpers and mayby put a fusion coil that spawns like at the end of the game and if the zombs get lucky and hit it either ud be at low health or theyed die
Thats an interesting idea lucas pk, but unfortunatly, it would be quite unfair. Have you played TJ yourself yet? Because if you have, you would know that it is already hard enough to stay alive as it is! The fusion coil would be overkill.
OK... thank you? Did you download it? Or was that just a small effort to raise your post count.... Either way, it's spam.
I've DLed it, and I just thought I'd give you a heads-up that you can stand on top of the walls that divide the torpedos.