so i had this cool idea for a CTF/Assault map, where the "Easy" way into the enemy base/bunker/whatever would be via a teleporter that raises up after a certain amount of time. i set it up (on Foundry), using three double boxes and two fence walls to create the "shaft" for the elevator. i placed a grav lift at the bottom of the shaft, set it not to spawn at start, set min to one, and dropped another grav lift elsewhere on the map. then i started a new round and placed a crate over the grav lift in the shaft. trouble is, when i start a new round, the grav lift for the elevator spawns, even though i set it not to spawn at start! what am i doing wrong?
i'll recheck my settings when i get home. i'm trying to learn how to interlock, too, so i'm kinda working on about three projects at once, lol
Umm, you have another Gravity lift on the map you say? Than that's odd. What you need to do is have one grav lift in a place where no one will get/see it, than figure a way to blow it up, (Most common is Fusion Coils) Set Grav Lift A to spawn at start "Yes" and Respawn Rate "Never". Set Grav lift B in the elevator shaft and set Spawn at Start "No" and Respawn Rate "180 (3 Minutes)". Now what you need to do is set the "Run Time Minimum" to "1". Now what should happen is once Grav Lift A is blown up, or after 3 minutes (Situation B makes this complicated if someone wants to wait to activate the elevator) Grav Lift B will spawn and force the crate up the shaft. Anyway if you follow these instructions, your elevator should work, if not I'm sorry but I do not know why it does not work.
the answer lies in the runtime min/max if you have 1 g.lifts powering your lift then the runtime should be set to 1 not 2 Pictures are worth a thousand words
Place two double walls so that they are close together, parallel, and standing vertically. You may want to place these so that they are against a wall or other surface; there should be enough space for a mongoose to fit between the walls. On the outside edge of each double wall, place a man cannon, facing inward, as close as possible to the walls. Next, place a regenerator in the space between the walls. You now have a very simple elevator. To use it, simply pick up and activate the regenerator, and you should be thrust into the air. Now add your finishing touches, and you're done. Hope this helps. (Note: For some reason, this system will only work with a regenerator, so be sure to use that piece of equipment).
I have a good elevator design that you may use, I never got around to posting this properly but it's a fully functioning two way elevator that is built to be effective and efficient.
H3ARTIFICER is a good forum for switch help, just google it, you need to search for min max switch if you didnt know what type of switch that was, Ive never really worked out min max switches because they just set off after 3 minutes anyway, whats the point? Theres many other switched you could try, dthen is quite good with switches, im sure he will help you
I'm very new too making elevators, but if his problem is the gravity lift already spawns and he wants it too spawn after a minute, his run-time minimum is set too 1 or above. He should change it too 0. If you have 1 as a run time minimum, 1 of that object will spawn no matter what, because it means that while running, there HAS too be that many objects on a map. Setting it too the highest means every object spawns. However, on fusion coils, when one is destroyed it doesn't count as the object is in the map, but the run time minimum re-spawns it near instantaneously.
Hes doing a min max switch which is basicly theres 2 of 1 item, in his case, a grav lift, one is set to spawn at start and respawn never and the other is set to spawn at start no 180 seconds and the min is 1 and max is 1 or 2, not sure, so when the round starts, the spawn at start is there, when someone destroys it, the other spawns..