Vip fortress with dumpster gun

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Gumby1008, Oct 16, 2008.

  1. Gumby1008

    Gumby1008 Ancient
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    As the name suggests it is a fortress with a little place for your vip to hide, and your job is to protect him/her. this is suited to the vip varient which is also located on my file share and linked files
    There are 2 attack routes, one up the stairs, or up the verticle man cannon, the man cannon aproach offers less cover, but its faster, stairs are the oposite.
    as the title suggests this fortress has a little secret, it is built on a GIANT CANNON!!!! HAHAHAHA. this cannon is activated by hitting the custom power up or "switch" wich is located behind the cannon on the second foor.
    also there is a secret weapon room that is stocked with better than average wepons, but be carefull if you are in this room when the gun is fired you will not survive as it has HEAPS of fusion coils in it, this is the other fireing methoud, shooting the coils while in the room.
    the wall is to be broken with the wraith
    This is a remake of the map by Darkside1029, but the only things left from that is the wall and everything towards the attackers
    the fortress
    behind the wall
    the attackers end
    behind the gun note the switch to fire the gun its the custom power up
    looking down the barrel of the gun
    the vip's hide hole
    behind the fortified wall
    killed by the dumpster
    the little hidden power weapons room, at the back of the barrel of the gun
    link to file : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
    #1 Gumby1008, Oct 16, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2008
  2. mastersync23

    mastersync23 Ancient
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    Well, it's pretty weapons heavy. Extremely one sided. 3 snipers? What weapons do the attackers have? Apart from that, the map looks okay. Nothing too much jumps out at me. A dumpster cannon. Walls. Pillars. It's okay, I guess, but you might want to spend a little more time on the aesthetics. And a not-so-hidden weapon stockpile? A little too clichéd for me. I'm going to give it 2.5/5. Make a v2, that's all the advice I can give you.
    Oakly HiDef likes this.
  3. DDjusD

    DDjusD Ancient
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    #3 DDjusD, Oct 16, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2016
  4. Combat P3nguin

    Combat P3nguin Ancient
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    i agree its basicly a one sided map 3 sniper wow
    i would like to see a v2 with the wall interlocked
  5. Gumby1008

    Gumby1008 Ancient
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    guys you need 2 play it, its ausome fun 4 halo lan partys, if you play the game with its variant you will find its ausomeness off the charts, everyone spawns with grav hammers and energy swords, and the vip has max over shields and is orange, but his health doesnt regenerate, the time frame is RLY long, so it is actually favoring the attackers. 9 friends and i played this gametype on a similar map (i hadent started this 1 yet) 4 2 hours straight (at this point we needed pizza) then we got back to it, this map type and game type delivers dangerous ammounts of fun, no matter what skill level you are, just try it. The game type is on my file share and dont judge it till you play with at least 8 ppl, 6 should work. and dont Mock the wall it serves its purpose, and i didnt make it, as i said it is a remake of a map of Darkside1029, the only things i changed was the base itself not the wall stairs to the top of the wall. also if you want the original this is also on my file share this has more snipers but you wont get many kills with them as you WILL be sworded soon, from the ppl attacking man cannoning thru the door. just try b4 you mock
  6. mastersync23

    mastersync23 Ancient
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    Look, I'm going to go right out and say it. NeEdS MoAr InTeRlOcKiNg!!!11!1! Seriously, though, interlocking makes a map a lot more cheat proof, without causing severe hassles. I'm not saying it's necessary, cause it's not. I'm just saying.
  7. Gumby1008

    Gumby1008 Ancient
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    there is actualy quite a large ammount of inter locking, main parts that arnt inter locking are
    1. wall, i didnt make it and i couldnt be botherd to re make it interlocking
    2. the gun barrel, this is actualy interlocking at the back, but the reason it isnt interlocking for the rest is because it causes it to jam more frequently, and then the gun wont kill the invading forces
  8. PodmoreX

    PodmoreX Ancient
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    I wouldnt put a power weapons room, some people have a thing against armouries, but the dumpster cannon looks cool
  9. FlipStik

    FlipStik Ancient
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    The map looks decent, not too special, but definately no a total waste. The cannon seems a unique idea to add to it, but a little too hard to get a kill with. I would think the Attackers would deserve the cannon, though. Is it even-sided? Because it looks like the defenders are over powered, with a power-weapons room, 3 snipers, a cannon, and a huge indestructable wall (Except for the barrier door in the middle.) Some of the interlocking is a bit sloppy, but overall it looks okay, a little more power to the attackers would definately make gameplay funner.
  10. power7762

    power7762 Ancient
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    This map looks pretty good, except for the fact that it has no interlocking. Not that a great map needs interlocking. This map looks really good so far. I'll give it a 3/5.
  11. vinco onmia

    vinco onmia Ancient
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    First off, the link is incorrect.

    Other than that, i will DL tomorrow (if link is fixed) because i have played a similar map and these are really fun with a huge party. The reason that the base is so heavily guarded is because the attackers have these mortars (wraiths) that take out the snipers on the walls and then the attackers charge the base. If you like organized chaos, this is your map.
  12. Gumby1008

    Gumby1008 Ancient
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    woops sry bout that, i edited 1 thing and put the new version up thats why the the link didnt work, but everyone seems to think it will be un ballanced but almost always the attackers won on the origional that had 5 snipers for the defenders, thats right 5! its just that you will pick up a sniper and soon after you will be sworded,

    I would like to note the mancannons behind the wraiths this saves time invading and also makes sniping almost pointless.

    also can i please get an opinion of how good this is for my first map?

    i recomend downloading it it is so much fun
  13. Darkdragon

    Darkdragon Ancient
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    if this is your first map, learn to balance weapons...nomatter what, 3 snipers for 1 team is NOT ok
    a armory is NOT ok
    a VIP safe-zone is NOt ok
    an extreemly time-consuming only-way-in the defender side is NOT ok
    im slighty busy so i can not post any more flaws
  14. Gumby1008

    Gumby1008 Ancient
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    I have packed in all these weapons, put the safe zone in, so that it s closer to an equal sucsess rate, in 14 mins with no sheid regen it is near impossible to survive, so then i put all the weapons and the armory and may i point out that the armory is actualy the guns trigger mechinism, the aim wasnt to get the kills equal, it was to get the wins/losss equal.

    also WHERE THE HELL IS THE extreemly time-consuming only-way-in the defender side, it may be only one way in but it isnt time consuming, but to keep you happy the next will be impossible to win with a vip, just so it can have what you want, try a game with 8 ppl total you will find it is quite balanced.

    and finaly is there anything you do like in this map? or do you just mock? constructive criticism isnt ment to be THATS USELESS DONT KEEP ANYTHING AND START AGAIN
  15. Gumby1008

    Gumby1008 Ancient
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    id like to point of that the dumpster gun isnt a single shot weapon, or a semi-automatic, it is a fully automatic 7 shot clip, this dramaticly increses your chances of getting a kill with it, unfortunatly due to the nature of the trigger mechinism (collecting a custom power up with no function) it only counts as a gardian kill, but this isnt a kill count map its all about defence, and i think hurling 7 dumpsters at 160kph or 100mph in the general direction of the enemy as an offensive weapon is quite a benificial item

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