Martyr V4.0

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by TC DJHellish, Oct 17, 2008.

  1. TC DJHellish

    TC DJHellish Ancient
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    Martyr v4.0
    By DJHellish
    Tenchu Chaos - Perth, Australia


    An Asymmetrical map designed from the ground-up to be balanced towards Assault and CTF (both symmetrical and one variants,) as well as be fun and balanced for Slayer, Infection and other gametypes.


    A once proud cathedral, derelict and desecrated by the Covenant in long since forgotten skirmish in the African Savannah. The majority of the site was collapsed in, and walls and roofs tumbled and broken.


    DE_Dust from Counterstrike was the main influence when I first started making this map back in April. Over time (after coming back and forth between this map and various others yet to be released,) the map triple in size thanks to multiple heights of play on this map, and a large area of the map being opened up.

    Almost none of the main features of DE_Dust can be seen now, with the exception the Delta One and Delta One Hall, which loosely resembles Bomb plant site B and the middle-map hallway.

    Development Time:

    With over 4 different variations, and one-off production I would have to say 110 hours plus...

    Inventory of Destruction:
    • 4 Battle Rifles
    • 3 SMGs
    • 2 Shotguns
    • 2 Covenant Carbines
    • 2 Brute Shots
    • 2 Spikers
    • 2 Plasma Rifles
    • 1 Human Sniper Rifle
    • 1 Mauler
    • 1 Bubble Shield
    • 1 Power Drain
    Grenades on map:

    Fragmentation and Covenant Sticky


    Overview of Map:




    Overview of Martyr


    Reverse overview of Martyr


    Bravo Top (contention area)


    Bravo One (contention area)


    Mid One (contention area)


    Delta One and Mid One Hall (part of Defender's Base)


    Delta Flag Room (Defender's Base)


    Tango Stairs (part of Attacker's Base)


    Tango Top (Top front of Attacker's Base)


    Alpha One (contention area)


    Alpha Top (contention area)

    #1 TC DJHellish, Oct 17, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2008
    FlipStik likes this.
  2. whitehalo3

    whitehalo3 Ancient
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    Ok, first of all it looks like you put a lot of time into this map but you need more overviews of the map. But from what I can tell, you have have done a really great job.
    But there is three suggestions I would like to make: Put a cover poing (like a barrier or barrels or something moveable) on Alpha top; Next, put some cover in Bravo One (like a truck or crate or something big); and finally, add a dumpster in the Delta flag room below the stairs in the corner that you can't see. And that should make your map a lot better to play on.
    I do like how you have a cover point in Mid One. But add two cones beside the fusion coils (you never know when you might get a splatter with one of those. I thought that it wouldn't happen to me but it did). You also did a great job with setting up this map in which you set it up to be a small map but you also gave it many floors and breatheing space. I hoped this helped. I give it a 4/5.
  3. FlipStik

    FlipStik Ancient
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    Looks pretty sweet, with a nice layout and a great idea. You made some decent interlocking, and some professional-looking ones, too. The floating stairs looks rather awkward, I'd suggest replacing them with a bridge, (unless you already used all of them) In which case I'd suggest using a wall-double or two walls together in replace of the floating stairs. Overall this is a job well done, and great effort put into it with some awesome results.
  4. TC DJHellish

    TC DJHellish Ancient
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    Added Diagram of Martyr and several more photos including 2 overview photo's as requested.
  5. TheDarkKnight05

    TheDarkKnight05 Ancient
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    This map looks great.

    From the picures, the design and the excution of the design look absoulutly great. The balance of high spots and low spots really caught my eye and how well you used the close quarters areas and the places where it was in the open. The interlocking on quite a few places looks really well done and is very well forged. Some things I would suggest to you is, making more of a varity of aesthetics. These would help your map stand out from all of the rest. Another thing is to interlock the double boxes making the floor. This makes sure the player will not have to experience any of those bumps.

    Well, other than the things I pointed out. The map looks great. Just get some more aesthetics and interlock a few things and then your good to go.

    Nice job!
  6. D34thly F1r3

    D34thly F1r3 Ancient

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    Woah this map looks pretty good id dl if i had space :p
  7. travishavey

    travishavey Ancient
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    ok so I like the map it looks really good but I cant really tell how the map looks more pics maybe? but i like from what i can see 4.5/5
  8. IrishBeast

    IrishBeast Ancient
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    Wow I must say one of the best layouts of a map I have seen in a bout a week! It has so many different levels. CTF just makes for one hell of a game right? What I do not like is in the picture named: "Tango Stairs" it looks a bit sloppy! I would fix that in a v2 or think about things like that in a future map. Like the layout, though for next time I would suggest putting maybe an hour or two into geo-merging those open-boxes on the floor! Other wise this maps looks great! If you have any questions just pm me!

  9. TC DJHellish

    TC DJHellish Ancient
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    It's pretty hard to get more photo's as the geometry and roof block off a lot of spots to take photo's.

    I do have a virtual-tour setup though on, and am currently waiting to for Bungie to setup their "Make to movie" function to be setup so I can publish a video here.

    But, you can download the film clip for my first post and view it.

    Ironically, the film clip is like 7 times the memory to download than the map itself, so I don't know how dling the clip saves space :s
  10. XCrazyWhiteBoiX

    XCrazyWhiteBoiX Ancient
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    Wow i'm not easily impressed but this map is very well made! the asthetics aren't great but this looks like a bungie made map! Well done 5/5
  11. TC DJHellish

    TC DJHellish Ancient
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    Please let me know if you have had a play of this map yet, and anything that needs polishing other than what has been previously stated.

    I am planning on taking everyones suggestions on board and doing everything possible to improve the map.

    It will be very hard to get a good idea of what really needs to be done, if no one has played it though.

    I am really appreciative of WhiteHalo3's advice to place a cover point in Bravo One. I looked at several cover options but haven't find anything I am happy with so far.

    Thankyou, DJ.
  12. n1n3CAL

    n1n3CAL Ancient
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    I can honestly say I am deeply impressed. Great design. Nice size. From what I can tell this is a really great map. interlocking is spectacular. I didn't see any geomerging. There could have been some more interlocking in some parts but this is still an awesome map. I wouldn't be suprised if I saw this featured some day. 5/5 my friend
  13. TC DJHellish

    TC DJHellish Ancient
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    Im just about to announce a remake of a VERY old map of mine which everyone played and downloaded, which I made for Quake 1 back in 1997. It doesn't look the same because of Forge being an Object editor rather than a level editor, but it definately has the same feel to it :)

    Just before I do thought, I just wanted to see if there was anyone else who has played this map who hasn't commented on it yet?
  14. mikeblair333

    mikeblair333 Ancient
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    Looks cool, it looks big and I like how you used the boxes to separate the map. The only thing I could say is that in some places it looks like you either ran out of resources or got hasty when creating some elements. But it's a good job, just even out some places and spend a little more time fine tuning it for a V2. Overall 7.5/10.

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