Map Title: WAREHOUSE This early 20th century Warehouse has been condemned for over 50 years. News articles tell of an industrial accident that killed all 28 employees. Now the doors are being reopened.... Download WAREHOUSE Gametypes- Supports all gametypes Weapons and Powerups Battle Rifles Assault Rifles Covey Carbine Shotgun Sniper Rifle Rocket Launcher Brute shot Gravity Hammer Sword Spikers Mauler Plasma Pistol Plasma Rifle Spartan Laser Needler Frags Plasma sticky Firebomb grenade Spike grenades Flamethrower Regenerator Bubble shield Radar jammer Deployable cover Active Camo Overshields Description: This is Warehouse. It's a 2 base map with a central building intersecting both bases. The main structure is the warehouse itself. Inside the are the remnants of what was once a productive Warehouse. Outside there is a canopy that provided cover from the elements for the delivery trucks. On the base side is a thru-way for vehicles,but beware since the gate closes after 2 minutes have passed in any game. From there you can take the service hallway to the front,climb the fences of the base and hop over,climb through the bushes which entails entering the bushes by the dumpsters and coming out of the bushes out front,or you can climb the fire escape to the roof area. On the roof you have a generator,which is explosive so beware when using it for cover, and the exhaust vent. Next to the exhaust vent is the roof access to the warehouse. On the far left side is another service hallway that leads to the back alley and also the the teleporter and active camo. The teleporter is 2 way and only goes to the snipers perch. This map is set up for all gametypes,however regular CTF doesn't fare very well because the locations of the bases and design of the map unfortunately shrink the size overall and limit the use of the warehouse almost altogether. This is also a budget glitched and interlocked map,so rest assured it's pretty full and nice and clean. EDIT:Also, I have changed a few things on the map since taking these pics,but mostly cosmetic stuff,the overall design and layout hasn't changed with the exception of the overshield,it's now on the roof.. Enjoy! Pics: Sniper Inside warehouse Far Side Base A Front Entrance to Warehouse Canopy Nearside Canopy Farside Roof deck Top of Canopy Base B Back Alley/Fire escape Back Alley Dumpster Area Inside Warehouse Again
Looks pretty good.. Well made and looks like it would be a lot of fun. I really like the whole warehouse idea.. with the gate that closes after 2 minutes, the docking area, and the exhaust vents and generator on the roof, very creative. This map also has a very well rounded weapon selection, also there is still enough room to run and escape, not a lot of clutter. Good stuff, I'm DL'n it now.
This map looks really tidy. im definately getting it. Im not a great fan of foundry maps, becuase they all look the same and ususally dont look too nice, but this is something completely different. I will run some games on it tonight and post back with how it went.. In the mean time, Good Job.
Thanks man,let me know for sure how the games went. My gamertag is new and I have just recently gotten back into Halo so I don't have many friends to help me test my maps. I am pretty sure I set every gametype up correctly,so please let me know if I screwed anything up.
Ok well i was bored, and no one was on so i modified it a bit for a version of 1 flag. I have made the warehouse a bit easier to defend, and cut out the shield doors. Problem is, i got rid of the sniper and i cant spawn another. How do i get around this money glitch bug? iv heard loads of times how you do it but i forgot..
As far as I know you can't now. I used up all of the object spawns the map allows so I had to delete the money glitched objects that I didn't use. Basically what is there is what is there permanently unless it is still lit up on the object list. That means whatever object is lit up was glitched and is being used on the map so if you were to delete many of the objects on the map you will never get them back. I guess it's the price you pay for wanting a bigger better map. However,if it comes down to it you could just delete the download and download again.
I might have to, well anyway ill play both my version and yours tonight, and try to find out what works and what dont.
Cool man, good luck. EDIT: I actually just realized that the version you downloaded wasn't the completed version. I changed a few aesthetics and the location of the overshield and didn't put that version in my file share so if you DL it again it might be slightly different.
Don't you think modifying someone else's map is kind of an insult? I would, Expecially since you are calling it "My Version" and not just "your map but modified." That's just me, But if I were Creep1ng De4th I'd be none to happy about it.
Once he has the map I don't care what he does to it. However I would care if he changed a few small things like he has and then posted it as his map. But I don't get the feeling he is planning on doing that and I pretty much asked him to test it and let me know if I effed anything up.
But testing a map requires game play.. with more than one person. I guess we are seeing this in different ways. My thinking was if you download a map, play on the map that was created.. if you feel there needs to be changes, then that is what the replies are for. Personally I would never modify someone's map just because I think stuff needed to go or thought it would be better that way.. For one it could change the entire feel of the level, integrity of the level, and not to mention your overall design and creation of the map. But like i said, I just guess we aren't going to see this the same way, Oh well though, It's your map.
I know what you mean and I agree that since this is my creation I want it to be seen how I created it. However,once my property is in someone elses hands it's out of my control. Bungie made it so all created maps could be further modified. If they made an option call "finalize map" or whatever and made it so when you clicked this the map was created and couldn't be changed it would be one thing,but since they didn't it's within the rules to change whatever you please. I'm not pissed about it and as long as he doesn't try to pawn my slightly changed map as his own then I don't even think twice about it.
*EDIT*: Oh Crap! This is actually Paralyzed King, I accidentally forgot to log Creep1ng De4th out before I made this post. This is the gods honest truth, it won't happen again. Sorry that this looks like a bump.
well done. this is probably the best map ive seen since Windburry's Runway. great job creating multiple unique spaces for battle. I immediately thought this map would be a great territories map. So since i was in Forge, i switched the gametype over. While i do dig this map, why was there like 10 territories? seemed a bit much. But overall great job. this is one of my favorite maps ive ever downloaded.
Im not some little nub who will post it on here as my own, nor am i someone that will say I made it. Its your map, it will always be your map. I dont have the kind of patience to build something that big anyway. I wanted your map to be able to play 1 flag, because i thought it looked like a map that would own 1 flag. I deleted the teleporters, and the shield doors, and simply extended the area where the turret is, to make it harder for the assaulting team to escape with the flag. I never said it was my map, i said my version, it is my version, and that means nothing. Its not his version of his map is it, that doesnt make sense. Your taking what i say and twisting it here.
Thanks for the good words man, and I didn't realize there were 10 territories. I thought I set up 8. But there is 3 on the roof I believe(generator,exhaust fan and roof surface) So if it helps you could get rid of 2 of them.
I can see where you would think that I was attacking you, But your taking this the wrong way, I never said nor made any sort of reference to you posting the map as your own.. I just gave Creep1ng De4th the heads up that someone was modifying his map. Sorry if you felt attacked it wasn't my intention... my only problem was that the map was already set up for 1 flag, and making it easier to defend or whatever defeats the purpose of the map that was made. That is all I was trying to get across.. I guess it came out wrong.